Literally screamed in horror when I saw her on the latest episode.

How's the temp when delivered? I'm always worried it'll arrive cold because aforementioned wait and never being totally sure when it'll be ready.

Came here not 5 seconds after seeing this because I thought the same damn thing. GROSS.

I just finished:

None of this is True by Lisa Jewell. I liked it enough to finish it! It didn't blow me away but it kept me entertained.

I also finished The Lost Summers of Newport by Beatriz Williams, Karen White, and Lauren Willig. Really enjoyed it! I don't read a lot of multi-narrator/time jumping books, so the approach was fresh to me. I just picked up The Glass Ocean by them, and it seems that's their MO for writing together. So far, so good! I don't know a ton about the Lusitania, aside from the headlines, so the history has been interesting so far.

It just arrived today! It looks beautiful in the pan but haven't tried it on my skin yet.

Would you mind sharing how you fix it? My husband is going to divorce me if I make him spend another summer running outside to move the tomatoes under the porch every time a thunderstorm blows through! Mine get knocked over on the regular but not sure what I should do. He's also sick of me moaning about all the tomatoes that get knocked off but the good news is that ripening the fully grown but green fruit in a shoebox does work! :)

Watched Unfrosted last night on Netflix. Absolutely absurd but worth the 90 minute investment. Late to the party, but last week finished Masters of the Air. I loved it, flaws and all, but what was even more great was discovering that my husband's grandfather flew in the 100th as a b17 pilot. We have his foot locker in our attic - looking through it again after watching the show was incredible!

While Skratch is probably "better" and I do like the taste, in the middle of a long, hot run (or at the end) nothing beats a Fruit Punch or Orange Mango Body Armour for me.

Truly seems like it's just a way to flex how much you can spend on stupid, flash in the zeitgeist, shoes ( I guess that's the entire point of being an influencer though?). Grace Atwood posted an even more egregiously ugly pair of pumps a month or so ago and the price was insane for how hideous they are.

Right there with ya! Eye roll every time.

Thanks for finding it verbatim!

Well, to be fair, she essentially asked if anyone else worried about this “problem. “ And the resounding answer was no.

But we could still get 10,000,000 questions from the same person that needs a mattress. Or bedding. Or whatever it was.

Did you catch the one "helpful" reply that was something like "well, when we bought my Tiffany engagement ring I kept comparing it to others but now I love it" threw up right in my mouth. Just had to let it slip that your ring came from Tiffany - and that y'all were dumb enough to pay that mark up.

I don't entirely disagree! Occasionally there was gold, like this morning.

I'm irrationally irritated by the questions that start like "what are we wearing" "where are we going" etc -- the only thing that's worse, for me, is grown women referring to themselves as "girlies." Drives me bananas! And yet ... I'm still in the dumb group. lol

Same. I'm thrilled she finally turned off anonymous posting. It didn't do the group any favors.

Definitely came here to see if it had been posted about. Wild.

Yes you’re right- the trial and error is all part of it. Thank you!

I'm in 6a too and was also considering raspberries in containers. It seems like I could put them in the garage over the winter? Not insulated or heated -- I was thinking of wrapping them in blankets for insulation. Do you think that would work?