I still haven't finished it, so technically zero.

First of all this isn't Döner, and secondly yoghurt based sauces are completely normal in them.

Making an alignment chart with one axis that's clearly good or bad is just going to be wildly biased.

Jeg vil fraråde Cabinn Copenhagen, arbejdede der for nogle år siden og det var meget ringe, ingen aircondition og de små værelser bliver ulideligt varme her om sommeren. Der er også ret beskidt og brandalarmen har det med at gå konstant.

I don't even think the bastard went to college.

I really like the plate, but I won't comment on what's on top of it.

Our supermarkets are so bad buying groceries is what I most look forward to on vacation.

Irving Aaronson and his Commanders > the breeches

Thorvaldsens Museum is amazing, and you're pretty much guaranteed to have it to yourself, plus it's free on Wednesday.

I don't think we can really blame the dentist for the constant stream of cigarettes burning away geege's gums.

This is a feast fit for maybe a baron. You could be eating gruel.

Mop top Ringo still looks sad.

Det handler slet ikke om dem vi har nu. Pointen er at politiker som erhverv (hvis man kan kalde det det) tiltrækker amoralske mennesker mere end de fleste erhverv og derfor bør man ikke have dem som moralske forbilleder.

Det virker for mig ret skørt at holde de mest magtliderlige mennesker i vores samfund op som moralske forbilleder.

I wouldn't think the record for fastest accumulation of 12 number one albums would have much of a reputation.

You think I'd turn down millions and millions of dollars just to avoid fucking some old bint?

What I'm asking is can you be intoxicated without being "drunk"? Can you have a few? And losing control of my body can hardly be the where the line is drawn. I lose control of my body when I hear a funny joke, really any pleasurable experience required some relinquishing of control to enjoy it to the fullest. If you can't even give up a bit of control to drink, how on earth are you going to completely give up control to God?

Where is the line between drunkenness, and simply drinking wine? Do you view any intoxication as drunkenness? Psalms 104 mentions God giving "wine that gladdens the heart of man". That's certainly talking about the stimulating effects of alcohol.

The Bible doesn't say one way or the other, but he certainly gave them more booze, which suggests, to me, that he wasn't all that bothered by it.

You don't think anyone was at least slightly sozzled at the wedding at Cana?

The Bonzo Dog connection would at least explain his love of granny music.

I think you know this isn't not the right place to cry for help. You really need to cry to someone who can actually help you, and for me that was incredibly scary and humiliating, but in the long run I'm really happy I did it.