Once I got light enough I had to use a seat pad, the bones on the bare seat just hurt after awhile.

Do you know any people who take down trees for a living? They have bobcats with this specialized rope attachment for lowering the main trunk, that could get this down flat.

No offense to management but they have no idea how to hire engineers. You should be talking to the subject matter experts.

Corporate investigations might be similar to intel work. Essentially you are given a bad actor and asked to find data evidence that they did the bad act or you are asked to investigate an external bad actor and work with vendors to neutralize the threat. If you want to go that way your focus should be cyber security. To be totally honest I have my computer science degree but I learned most of how to do IT online or through experience.

Technically 26 years but 24 years of tenure because the first couple were contract

Yeah I want to retire here, I love my job.

Teams admin here, DON'T USE STATUS AS A MANAGEMENT TOOL. Thats not its purpose, its just to tell you if you can expect a response at this time.

Systems engineer lead, 24 years at the same company. Base salary 141,000 bonus up to 30,000 . Random merit bonuses sometimes as well.

You are just wrong, it happens. Costco has fine meat and I am not involved with that company.

I mean there was a massive monetary increase during Trumps presidency which causes inflation. Inflation is somewhat sticky, it takes time for prices to increase. There was no massive monetary increase during Biden term so yeah the results were inherited. You either have no economic knowledge or you are just being an asshole.

Dev Ops is weird. Management thinks that they can replace systems engineers too but they really can’t. Good luck with your search.

You do realize that inflation occurred because of Trump policies right? Like Biden got in and inherited inflation

I’m a guy and I don’t, waste of money.

When I worked nights it was To advance my career. I am in tech and was given the opportunity to manage a team of contracted engineers over night to do a massive project. I had a young daughter, needed more money and it worked. Now I am a lead engineer working days.

Knowing you are intelligent is not a fault never apologize for it. Also that manager is a dickhole.

YES I can see passive aggressive teachers teaching this verse

This is why he needs to talk to an attorney, paying a judgement may imply legally that he is accepting the breach of contract.

Step 1. Get one of those floating coolers. Step 2. Fill said cooler with ice and beer. Step 3 Get in the pool and drink the beer. That’s how you adult pool party

Wireshark, not enough people know how to read it and it makes a huge difference in SAAS troubleshooting

How old is the judgement? You may be able to get the court to set it aside since you did not receive service. Talk to an attorney.

Call your congressional representative, your son’s rights have been curtailed but yours have not. Be a pest until they lean on someone to get you the info you want. They work for you.

I’ve seen it both ways and I won’t eat the big chunks of fat so I prefer marbled. I also don’t really eat ribeye, I like strips.

It’s ribeye? Very fatty steak but the fat renders into the meat and makes it tender.