Reading reddit comments already tells me people already forgot what they say last night other than "trump is lying and biden can't argue". I'm sure this represents the American demographic in general. /s

You are underestimating yourself, learning pattern quickly is some form of intelligence. People usually think intelligence as the logical one but there're many kinds of intelligence: emotional, musical, physiokinesthetic,...So being able to quickly identify pattern and remember what you did last time is definately spatial intelligence. In the end, just because you are not good at logic doesn't mean you are not intelligent.

But I think solving rubik cube quickly is high intelligence. Motor control is an important part of that but good players have to remember and plan out the most optimal step. I mean there are algorithm but not everyone can remember where 26 cubes will end up.

Minors are simply more vulnerable, thus easy to be manipulated. They just target children who haven't developed a sense of self and value, to corrode those kids morals and condition their brains to rely on them.

For example, a grown adult may be a gold miner, an excellent actor who might backstab them to get divorce compensation. Kids can't run away from them or even doesn't recognise those rich mfs are destroying their lives.

But will the spiders feast on you after all the ants die out? I don't want the first thing I see in the morning is being stuck in a giant web.

Why do you want to miss out fried spider. I heard they are fatty and crispy.

So does that mean killing somebody because you have to isn't evil? I guess I should start contracting people before I kill somebody.

I was expecting it to hit the self-destruct button and explode with the power of nuclear reactor. Aww we couldn't have unlimited energy anytime soon.

Yea I believe that's where our society are heading too. But I think you missed the point that users and customers are two different groups in the concept. It's more like first, the narcisstic befriends with somebody close to you. After that, he gets acquainted with you through said friend. Then, he abandon that friend to focus on love-bombing you. Finally, he casts you aside once you are of no use to him.

It's entirely possible, human body has a sense called proprioception, which basically tells you where your body parts are without seeing. It's just more difficult to learn and less people are willing to let you hold their hand to commumicate with ASL (I'm refering to blind people here).

I'm glad that your parents did such a selfless act. May I inquire how your family managed that foster home, like how many kids did they take each time?

"Look kids, here's where you can mine diamonds. If you are lucky you might even come across netherite."

Of course, if he's rich enough to play competitive bowling ball, he should be able to afford enough spare thumbs

Yeah Trump has to take drugs so he won't fall asleep and piss his pants.

Well he didn't coat his medication with cyanide so you couldn't blame ants for accepting his offerings. /s

Isn't that the point of sun-bathe? To burn old skin so you are left with a whiter layer deeper down. /s

Yeah black women couldn't function in a white society, they only knew how to pick fruits, plant trees and whatever their master teached. Just like a freed animal that was raised by human from birth, she would sooner or later be raped, enslaved or starved to death. He was so generous a man to offer her shelter, food and mates. /s

Yeah but it makes the whole clip unnatural. Human usually accelerate their limb quickly when start moving then slowly decelerate. It's especially uncomfortable to look at weird movements in the first part if you pay attention.

While this guy become a seer, I'd rather break every measurement and formula human has ever done by adding 1 to decimal numeral system. Say good bye to finite decimal point and say hello to rounding errors.

Don't you have a pillow that slowly eat yout hair? If so bring it to the vet before it eat your head instead!

Aww I thought he just gets down when that fragile structure collapses.