I had many a good times in Croatia with rakija. The plain one taste awful but the honey flavored one hits

Yes, I’m not arguing about any of that. It’s POV of the person filming. Again like I’ve said multiple times it’s no different than if the video said “POV: I saw a girl live her best life”. You seem to think that the POV genre revolves around the person filming being the main subject, which is not always the case

Another example would be “POV: Walking outside and seeing the sunrise” the subject is the sunrise, which you are experiencing from the camera persons perspective

“POV: Seeing a girl walking down the street and she’s living her best life”

I think you’ll find that many videos within the POV genre don’t actually have the person behind the camera as the main subject, as a matter of fact it’s actually a lot less common considering they’re literally filming something else and not themselves…

The girl does not have to be the one filming, we can put ourselves into the perspective of the person filming in this case, which is clearly staged, but nonetheless an example of someone seeing something happen from their work or apartment or whatever

I understand entirely the idea of internet videos being POV. It’s third person POV in that the person who’s point of view it’s from is filming a subject that’s not themselves

Again if it said something like “POV: I she a girl who doesn’t care what other people think” it’s the same. The wording could be better but there’s nothing wrong with the subject from one’s POV being something or someone else. I’m basically just repeating myself

An example would be something like “POV: Dad gets mad about grades” and you film your dad yelling at you. The subject is your dad, but the point of view is your own

And it would still fall under that category. It’s similar to it saying “POV: You’re at work and see someone who doesn’t care what people think”

The wording in the video may not be the best but it’s still very much a POV video

No it doesn't. Nothing in this video, nor the use of the term POV, implies that it is explicitly first person in the sense that the subject has to be the one filming. By using a third person pronoun like "she" the implication is that the subject is the person being filmed not the person filming. A similar way to say this would be something like "Here is my point of view. That person doesn't care what other people think". The wording in the post may not be the best but it is an appropriate use of POV

It's the point of the view of the person filming, so POV, and they are acknowledging what the filmed subject is doing

Third person point of view is being used here... it's similar to me saying "from my point of view she doesn't care what other people think"

Its quite literally what POV means unless implied otherwise. It may be better if it said "POV: You see a girl who doesn't care what people think" but that doesn't mean it's wrong the way it is worded

ITT: People not realizing Third Person POV is a thing

You’re being downvoted but you’re correct. Crazy that what’s being upvoted is wrong

Third person POV is a very real thing


It does work… using “she” implies third person. It’s the same as me saying, “she’s living her best life from my point of view”…

If the post said “I’m”, then yes it would be the wrong use of POV

Third person POV exists


No it doesn’t. There’s such thing as Third Person POV, which is being used correctly here with “she” being used as the pronoun

Since I’m being downvoted look at it like this. “From my point of view she is living her best life”. Totally reasonable and in no way am I the subject of that statement, she is. If the post said “POV: IM living my best life”, then yes it would be wrong


That’s not true at all, there is third person point of view and it’s being used correct here. The person behind the camera refers to the subject using third person pronouns. It’s crazy that people here are confused by this


Dawg there’s six more seasons in this decade. No one here can tell you anything about the 2028-2029 season let alone what next season will be like

“Trump, what will you do about climate change?”

Trump: “Biden hate’s black people”

You want the short route to enjoying the NBA? Go for a team like the Heat or Timberwolves

You want the long route to enjoying the NBA? Go for a team like the Wizards or Pistons

For some reason I thought you said wingspan and now I’m picturing this 7 ft Dutch dude with t-rex arms