I do an Emergency Cee. Picks me up without making me tense

People are SO DUMB I swear.

I know a guy who had his teenage daughter SIT ON THE MATTRESS to hold it down while driving. Guess what THAT DIDN’T WORK

‘Gee, I’m just so busy these days! Sorry, I don’t have availability.’

Yes, move your body, even if you don’t feel like it. Even 5 minutes will help. Drink water. You’ll get through! Congratulations on making this change you want for yourself

Let it run a little longer. The ground your pipes are in is very hot.

I hear those little laser pointers are very hard on cameras

I’m 65, do yoga daily. I don’t have trouble getting up from the floor.

Thermos or two with beverages you enjoy

Crappy humans exist. They’re everywhere, so don’t let ‘em bug you too much ❤️

Toads secrete a bitter, nasty fluid when they’re scared! Your dog hasn’t suffered any real harm, and probably won’t bother another toad. lol

Gotta throw in the diss, huh? Feel better?

Not sure where you got the idea that ‘most people’ find ‘the one’ in college - but that’s not true. Put it out of your mind. Lame inaccurate generalizations are not the way to live.

Best post right here ❤️👍🏻

I’m a block away, tbh it bothers me a lot. Not sure I can stay here.

Everything good takes practice! Your sauce came out good- stick the chicken in a sauté pan and cook it some more. It’ll be fine.