i work 9 to 5 but to come and go from work i need an extra 3 hours all together. o if I m back at 7ish, I go straight to the gym. Or I might go at 22:00. I have a goal and I move things around in order to make it! Eyes on the prize only !

I never really had any sympathy for either side, however after the slaughter that happened at that peace concert by the Hamas, I am def sure I despise both of them now.

I'm on Mirena for 3 years and I am struggling to keep the weight off . I have gained 6 Kilos and If I even look at a sweet treat, I gain weight, Mind you, I work out also.

My skin is very soft and clear. I almost never get pimples on my face. (even as a teenager) + My skin has a very pretty smell apparently . Cause all my life people are attracted from my scent and complimented it (I'm talking about times I was not wearing perfume)

I bought it a while ago. It's very helpful.

I am considering moving there. I have an office job. I am a pre-sales engineer for UPS systems. So My English is unmatched! I am F(36) and I am Greek. I need a better quality of life so I am looking for another country to possible move to. I have always liked the northern countries, but I know nothing about the life there. Like, how is the paycheck compered to the rent and the monthly bills? How is the social life? Do people there speak English? Would I be able to find an English speaking job in my field? How is the healthcare system? Do you need a car to move around? whats preferred? How hard is it to learn Danish? What's life like for a singe woman there? I have a lot of questions .. Thank you in advance ! :)

I wake up SO hungry that I think of my morning cereal. They have chocolate in them. Chocolate in the morning is my only motivation to wake up.

So far I've done this schedule for a week. i haven't eaten more. In General I do feel amazing after workout ! I Can't believe how much I love it. As I wrote initially I am on a diet. I have a very specific diet programmed. I weight everything i eat and no snacks are allowed.(ex-250ml milk 2% fat with 60kgr of cereal for breakfast/ one cereal bar of 90kcal in between/ lunch: 160 kgr of chicken with as much green salad as i like/ dinner one yogurt with nuts and honey.

My problem is that even with all these restrictions I would remain the same weight or gain some.

That's why I asked If adding working out would be beneficial. Now I haven't weighted myself yet so we'll see in about a week.

Basically, All my life I was around 65kg , so now it feels like A LOT to me. :(

My doctor said I was headed to pre diabetes. So she put me on these meds. So far the tests agree that indeed I needed them, Also, I can gain weight by eating broccoli .. so my metabolism is broken . I was hoping that it will start working with exercise.

OMG I absolutely hate having someone lay on my lap. I as a person , constantly move and change positions. So having someone lay one me feels so confining I get stressed out and i have to constantly remind myself not to move, :(

My post is not about medicine advice. Also, I'd rather listen to my doctor than a stranger on the internet.

Will everyday workout help me loose weight? Health Tip

I am F(36) ,1,77 tall and about 73kg. I have been struggling with depression and my weight . I am planning to start working out 5 to 6 times a week. I will be doing circular for an hour and machines for 20min at the gym. Mind you, I already have a clean diet. With protein and salad. I eat carbs only with my breakfast.

My doctor has given me insulin resistance meds and she said it's working. So, do you guys think the gym will help?

Agreed! I hate the feeling after. Also, i never tell my boyfriends that I have an IUD cause I don't want them to relax and become sloppy,

My industrial hands down. it took about a year to heal and it still gets angry if I oversleep on it .. It's been over 6 years that I have it and I have the right anatomy.

well I also have it but I get it every now and then. although I barely can tell. It's mostly like spotting. Best thing ever!

So i (F) 36, have been doing my paps since I was 20 I think. In general I named October a women testing month. So every October I do all the tests. Pap, mammogram, or anything else related to women's health.

I have had 2 surgeries on my breasts. I had to very large benign tumors. So I know the fear.

In the end I just don't think about it. It is what it is and it's only for a few moments anyway.

I have had dentist appointments that where far more painful.

I never do acrylics cause they ruin my nails, so I do my own manicure whenever I have the time. If I had 1 euro for every time a man has asked me why my nails aren't done, I would be rich.

Mind you, I have pretty hands , long fingers and I make sure I have clean and short nails when not done properly.

I find that question rude and in my head it sounds like : Why aren't your hair salon ready?

I don't know if that will help, but I use WD40 to remove persistent sticker glue from my car and it works like a charm

I figured that men lie about their height like women lie about their weight.

However, I wouldn't stick around as well..

Well, you see, I have learned the hard way, since a very young age that life isn't certain. Nothing is really for sure. It was hard as I mention above, but I am always ready to start again. Also, who's to say when an even better future awaits for you around the corner?

I ended it because we didn't want the same things. We where fighting for the smallest thing and in the end, it wasn't worth it. We where together for 5 years. We really loved and valued each other and we didn't want to watch our relationship rott. So It was a mutual agreement almost. Although not easy, we broke up for the best.

we still talk occasionally and it feels like he's family almost. We still love and care for each other but in another level.

I much prefer that than having lost him forever.

Help me pick a side in SicilySightseeing & Activities

Hi guys, I just came back from Rome and I fell in love with the country. Now I wish to go on July in Sicily and I was wandering where exactly I should go. I want to go somewhere with nice beaches. Can you please tell me where in Sicily should I look for that?

say what you want, but the whole internet was shouting that it only got pity votes . It's also obvious by the fact that it never plays on the radio.

Sam Ryder deserved that win 100%

I know of a song that wouldn't have won ANY other year.

Ukraine 2022 with "Stefania" by Kalush Orchestra,

Absolutely terrible song.

That is so sad.. I lost my Dad to ALS, but i live in Greece. Not many choices here..