I drove a million miles in company vehicles, and didn't kill anyone. A lot of the time, we didn't even have roads at our destination. Humping equipment a mile on foot was a normal day.

This is going to do a whole lot of nothing for tidal surge.

When people would ready houseboats in the Atchafalaya, they'd tie up under the I-10, using long spring lines for both the top and bottom on both ends, partly flood the tanks so it sat lower on the water, and remove everything that couldn't get wet.

When these boats get carried into the mangrove forest, there won't be any sound means of getting them out, absent a helicopter, or dredging out a channel for a marsh crane.

I won't walk in front of a voluntarily stopped car. More often than not, a vehicle behind them will just swerve around them, and come through anyhow.

There's a general decline in bussing, especially after the pandemic.

In general, the federal government can't be relied up on to construct a railway exclusively for passenger trains. Even in countries with functional low speed rail, freight trains tend to make up 95% of the traffic. In the US, that would tend to imply privately owned track, even though it is an absurdity to have your transit networks privatized. Ergo, opposition to putting general use track into parks would be bipartisan.

You'd have to crunch the numbers on how affordable a privately operated passenger exclusive rail link would be with the nearest city, especially for a park with only seasonal attraction. Intermediate practical solutions would be to toll the highways leading into or through parks, and find ways to restore bus service. e.g., a park tour service

Car operators break traffic law more frequently than cyclists do.

No pedestrian should ever have to put their safety at the discretion of a motorist. If the city recognizes the need for pedestrian safety with partial infrastructure, then they are admitting that they have chosen not to make the full investment in a traffic signal.

Translation: "I can't do my job if I can't endanger other people."

Why do you want to put kids in danger, just to save Bezos a few bucks?

Can't wait to need to drive a car to get to my appointments at 95 years young. Good luck, everybody.

Reminds me of the time my very elderly grandma stopped at a red light, then proceeded to creep through it at two miles per hour during rush hour, while a police officer was right behind her, and I was in the back seat, being an alarmed kid.

He didn't give her a ticket; just politely asked her if she needed help getting home. There's a story behind that, but it's normal small town stuff.

Essentially, a lot of people have no plan at all for how they'll be getting around when they gradually become more infirm, and the legislators they are picking also seem to be similarly dumbfounded.

I'm still gonna be staying under a roof all day, and checking my fire extinguisher, as usual.

There's also the fiscal responsibility side, when it comes to managing the finances of cities in the face of unsustainable subsidies to suburbs or the liabilities they embody.

I really can't think of much of a difference between left and right YIMBYs, except perhaps that the right believes more housing will automatically lead to better pricing, while the left wants to believe that code compliance can be bent to yield similar results. It's two sides of the same coin.

Tariffs can be a persuasive tool for international relations if wielded deftly. It's not something to throw out of the pram when so many economic and regulatory policies can be framed as a race to the bottom.

As a sidenote, you can make your shop vacs run stronger and for longer by using a bag filter, which can be emptied and reused.

Aside from bands breaking and rollers getting fouled with long hair, the motors eventually go through their carbon brushes. Those are pretty easy to change out, if you can find the model number. They are so simple that you can even trim a wrong size down to fit in the holder.

It's not required, but you can also improve their performance by polishing the commutator with fine sandpaper while spinning. Just make sure you don't abrade the windings, clean all the filings away thoroughly, including between the grooves on the commutator, douse it all with electronics cleaner spray and let it dry thoroughly before reassembling. It will throw a few exciting sparks as the new brushes are being ground by the commutator to the proper shape.

They are both just front ends for Alibaba/Aliexpress. Temu just has lower usability for the consumer.

The business model is going to take a hit following reforms to EU import VAT thresholds.

You can block nearly all ads with a combination of firefox and uBlock origin by subscribing to ad list filter updates. If you want to be more aggressive about it, you can also run noscript and pi-hole hardware.

The thing I dislike most about new towels is that the fibers come treated with a water repellent polymer to keep them "presentable" at the store. You are supposed to run them through the wash to wear it off.

I need to go learn about why towel fabric is so stiff coming off the drying line, but I have a pretty good notion.

I've always felt that it was a creepy holiday that schools could easily skip.

If we really need a February holiday, just go with annual Change Your Password/phrase, or Feed the Birds, or Make a Friend day.

The government's objectives haven't changed since seven decades ago. When a quarter of the million Arab civilians living in the conquered territory started fleeing the area, fearing a resumption of the pogroms periodically launched in previous years, soldiers at checkpoints often had them sign documents saying that they were leaving of their own free will, and that they forfeited all property and rights. This was the only way they would be allowed to become external refugees, or in simpler terms, under duress.

The purpose and goal of the Israeli state is the subjugation, marginalization and displacement of all Arabs living in the territory it controls. This is what many officials are stating over and over, when they aren't calling for, or actively arranging, mass killings. Israel shouldn't be mistaken for an open society, just because its allies are. It is a phallangist, theocratic, expansionist, ethno-nationalist polity.

The people who own stock in those refineries don't live near them. If they even work on site at all, they commute a long way from where they raise their kids.

From the federal government's perspective, the whole area is just a sacrifice zone.

Freedom of speech doesn't entail freedom from civil liability. It's just protection from criminal charges.

I remember those all night study sessions for 7AM final exams. It's unlikely that I was the only one too anxious to risk catching a few winks in those last few hours. More of my grey hairs and wrinkles are probably owed to those years than any of the ones afterwards.

This makes my inner labrat very happy. This is better than using it as a paper weight to keep documents from blowing away, not least of which avoiding cross contamination issues.

Even if it turned out to be inconvenient, I'd see the advantages for data integrity, and that would cinch it above any other consideration.

Thinking about all the times I saw people and myself use them without a methodological procedure in place makes me wince in hindsight. What an uncontrolled vector those things were.

Of course, but then everyone is zonked by midnight, and up at dawn.

I can remember fairly clearly the years when all-nighters were common, but I doubt that I could physically pull it off anymore.