Definitely in peri I believe. I have an appointment next month.

I’ve been there before. That’s why I ask. If you look closely, trees closer to the house are blowing in the wind. The others are still.

I didn’t know you could have that test done without a doctor ordering it, so thank you!

I feel an addiction to sugar. I know that sounds weird, but I feel faint or dizzy without it. Constantly thirsty and urinating a LOT more than usual the past year or so. I have a tremendous amount of belly fat and have some…..cycle issues as a female. Lately they’ve been like clockwork but my entire life they’ve been here one minute and gone for months and months at a time. My legs feel like jello a lot the past few weeks and I’m constantly fatigued. Just earlier I cleaned the kitchen up, and after about 15-20 minutes I had to sit down.

I know most of this is likely just “getting older” and being obese (I’m 245 pounds and only 5 foot) but I’ve also been told that I “should get checked for Type 2 diabetes” because they apparently align with the symptoms.

But you are correct - these symptoms could be anything. The sugar thing gets me the most, though. I get incredibly shaky without it. (This is how my best friend found out she was type 2)

Post should pertain to diabetes. I read the rules.

This post isn’t about my hair. It’s about diabetes.

I absolutely will - thank you.

I absolutely will. You’ve been incredibly kind and helpful.

My apologies for not being more transparent. I’m testing when it says to test if you were to have diabetes or hypoglycemia.

It’s one hour after I eat dinner.

10-12 hours after I eat dinner then wake up from being asleep.

The third time I test is about 2-3 hours after I eat lunch.

Thank you so much for this. I have an appointment for next month. I’m anxious about it but for this health anxiety to stop, I need to go. I will be asking for her to check my A1C when I’m there outside of all the other stuff they check in bloodwork.

Can’t stand it. Don’t feel bad. I tried so much to like it. It was a no for me.

We’ve been here 15 years and haven’t found the first reliable person here. So these answers trying to be funny should tell you everything you need to know.

We used them once a year or so before Covid.

Never again. The tech was SO SO nice. But like you, it was just constant.

Do you have a suggestion for who to use?

Thanks for letting me know. They have very mixed reviews online.

I only have one AC unit. Thank you for the input. So you go through the same people?

Thanks. We’ve owned since 2016 as well.

Will give them a call.

Heating and Air recommendations? ❓questions❓

Our unit is eight years old but has never been serviced. It works perfectly fine, but would like to start getting it serviced annually.

Recommendations? We’d love to seek out a company that won’t give us a sales pitch, but just rather service our unit and if anything actually needs doing, they’re capable.


Seeing a lot of comments saying “I’ll never go there again….” which is fine, but why then do those same people get upset when “the other side” says they won’t give XYorZ business because it doesn’t align with their beliefs?

Also. Why is politics brought into everything in this and the Norfolk sub?

No you’re totally fine! It was just weird to see all the jumps throughout season one of writers playing with certain things to see what fit.

I grew up watching the show as well. What’s weird to me is that they showed her smoking one time in one scene and then never again.

Plus I never said in my post it was unusual. Just unusual I’d never noticed this before.

Pen in one hand, lighter in the other?

Others commenting here noticed it as well and it was mentioned in a podcast that they wrote it that way.

I didn’t see that. Joey had a lighter in her hand and at the very end, looks like Jen had a cigarette as well as Joey. So strange.