broken little pop culture rat brain

Just remember that the originator of the lizard people conspiracy theory is deeply antisemitic, and a lot of the lizard people stuff goes back to a very racist and antisemitic place.

The ancient aliens thing is also fairly racist, as it assumes that POC cultures weren’t “advanced” enough to creating amazing and beautiful ancient structures.

Ignorant people are often the most dangerous. Especially when it comes to raising children.

broken little pop culture rat brain


broken little pop culture rat brain

That dress has come back around too! She looks incredible in it!

What has this girl (because gosh she looks young) been told in her life that she thinks this is… a good way to live. The damage she’s doing to her body, and then encouraging others… I’m just really sad for her. I know some people will think she doesn’t deserve the sympathy, but this is not solely her fault. This is an accumulation of shitty feedback into a young mind. She didn’t get here by herself.

broken little pop culture rat brain

What!? That’s ridiculous!! Put in OJ Piece of shit Simpson but not Andre Braugher!? Wtf!?

I used to think I’d rolled onto my daughter. Multiple times. She was in one of those co-sleeper cots, absolutely fine and it was my pillow I was lying on. I was just so worried about falling asleep with her on me, because I had to hold her upright for half an hour after feeding before I could put her down, or she’d spew everywhere.

Sleep deprivation gets you, man. That’s why you’ve got to make things as safe as possible!

broken little pop culture rat brain

Needed to buy a paper to put in the cats litter tray. My husband said “buy the sun” and I said “I’m never fucking buying the sun. Not even for the cat to shit on”.

broken little pop culture rat brain

It’s old man smile 😆

Her head is… huge. She can’t make any facial expressions. Can’t move very much. I will say that they do seem to be getting her the help she needs, but it was far too late. The damage was done very quickly. I worry about her being sidelined by her “healthy” siblings that they had after her, but so far that doesn’t appear to have happened.

broken little pop culture rat brain

The cons have been making some pretty bad decisions lately… see also GenCon deciding to side with Zionists rather than the CRIT awards.

broken little pop culture rat brain

Oooh I was seeing a vague TikTok about this saying it’s pretty much an open secret not just on Broadway but in Broadway fan groups.

broken little pop culture rat brain

“What a sad little life, *Jo.” (British ppl will get the joke)

broken little pop culture rat brain

Her editors must have a LOT of work.

broken little pop culture rat brain

The British “justice” system fails like that pretty often.

broken little pop culture rat brain

I am looking respectfully. But dear lord she has fed me today.

broken little pop culture rat brain

Google is free. The search function on this sub is free.

She’s not a psychopath, she’s someone who is deeply stunted by her trauma with no coping mechanisms. All the girls needed intensive therapy and treatment after they were rescued and since it was the 90s they almost 100% didn’t get it. And then she was a wife and a mother almost certainly before she was ready for it.

And now she’s just… surviving. In whatever fucked up way she can.

broken little pop culture rat brain

It made me cry. As a chronic illness girlie it really hit that part in me… I will take whatever they give me.

broken little pop culture rat brain

I haven’t listened to the Drama Queens podcast for a while (cuz man what a Trainwreck they became) but Hilarie Burton said that all the crying all the time did a number on her body that took her years to get over. On top of all the sexual assault and harassment she was on the end of.

broken little pop culture rat brain

Apparently she was great in Chicago!