My only advice would be to get a therapist. I have one and therapy helps a lot, much more than anything anyone on Reddit can tell you

She looks like a healthy weight, but PLEASE stop letting her outside. There are a million reasons why it’s terrible for her:

I saw you commenting that she runs out of the doors and that’s why it’s impossible to keep her inside. Here is your solution:

You just attach that gate to your door and it opens when someone opens the door. Easy fix. Personally, I would rather spend $100 on that gate than risk my beloved cat getting hit by a car, hurt by nasty people/kids/teens, eaten by a fox/coyote, develop a disease, etc. There are a million ways you can make an indoor cat happy. Letting them roam outside is extremely dangerous and irresponsible and more often than not ends in tragedy.


I was taking Vyvanse after getting diagnosed with ADHD. Helped me stay off my phone and focus on my work for longer periods of time but didn’t turn me into a workaholic typing machine by any means because if you actually have ADHD, stimulants aren’t meant to do that. For me, it made my thoughts more quiet and helped me focus on one task at a time and follow through on tasks without jumping into multiple things at once. If you feel like you need a drug that will make you work more (rather than actually having ADHD and it helping your overall quality of life), I’m not sure if this is the right line of work for you. There is already a major shortage of adderall and other stimulants, and it sucks to see people who do not have ADHD abuse this medication when there are people out there who actually need it, and can’t take it as much as they need to because of the shortage.

With all that being said, if you actually have ADHD, just talk to your doctor? They are the only people who can help you figure out if and what kind of medication will help you. They will ask you how ADHD affects your work and will prescribe medication to help combat that, but it won’t turn you into a machine that loves working and never procrastinates, I can promise you that. I also never told my boss or coworkers that I have ADHD and took medication because it’s none of their business. Just treat it like any other condition or disability - they don’t need to know my personal business.

Beautiful, but it kinda looks like this shop copies Oore’s designs?

Haha I’m happy they were able to help you out! 😁

I have the same exact ring from Oore! I love it so much, I’ve had it for 2 years now and I still stare at it everyday 😁

Dispersed camping with designated firepits?

After camping all my life at numerous campgrounds and getting very tired of inconsiderate campers, I would like to try dispersed camping. I understand that you are supposed to leave no trace, so there usually aren't any designated firepits. However, I'm not sure if I trust myself to have a safe campfire without a firepit. Are there any specific forests and/or primitive campgrounds in Michigan that you can name that are almost like dispersed camping, in that there are no bathrooms and no other campers near you (at least not visibly), but have a firepit? I don't even need a picnic table or anything, I just want the firepit. I will also be camping in a tent attached to my truck bed, so it will need to be an area that allows vehicles to be parked on the site. Thanks!

Are remote notaries oversaturated?

I'm in Michigan. I've been working as a paralegal for years and have always been interested in becoming a notary. I just want to be able to make a few extra hundred dollars every month. I would like to offer remote "after-hours" notary services (my state does allow remote notarization). I work from 9-5 and this would be perfect for me. I already have a computer, webcam, etc., and am prepared to invest the $400 needed to become a notary public.

However, I see some people saying they make a decent amount of money doing this, and others saying not to bother with it because there are so many notaries out there, and it's easy to get documents notarized for free (I can actually attest to this, since my boss usually tells our clients to get their documents notarized for free at banks). The problem with getting things notarized at banks or your local UPS is that I imagine many people have a hard time getting there during regular business hours. I feel like I could market myself pretty well if I focus on offering notarization services after regular business hours/during weekends that don't require you to leave your home. Could this be profitable?

Talked to my doctor and they advised me to stop it as well 😥 oh well, I’ve been unmedicated for the past 25 years and did fine. I might look into other meds but I just don’t like dealing with any side effects

I do not but I’ll go to my local pharmacy tomorrow to get my blood pressure measured

I’ve been adding powdered electrolyte packets to my water but still experiencing these side effects :/

Vyvanse causing concerning side effects

Wondering if anyone else has experienced these side effects. My doctor prescribed 30 mg vyvanse, then moved up to 40, and now I’m at 50. It has helped a lot with my focus, quieting thoughts, getting rid of intrusive thoughts, and executive function, but because of the side effects I’m experiencing I’m considering stopping it. Every time I take it, I feel a heavy sort of pressure behind my eyes. I don’t think it’s from straining my eyes. I just always feel this weird pressure behind my eyes as if I am tired, but I’m not. It’s hard to explain but it doesn’t feel normal. My head also feels foggy because of it. My period is also 9 days late ever since I started the 50 mg dose, which is odd for me because my cycle is normally regular (I took a pregnancy test and it was negative, so it’s not that). I also get headaches multiple times a week, sometimes every day. They are usually on one side of my head. I’ve been making sure to eat plenty of protein, drink a lot of water, and exercise.

TL;DR 50 mg of vyvanse is helping me but causing side effects of pressure behind my eyes, headaches, and very late period

How did you get past the short lifespan?

My dream dog breed has always been an Irish wolfhound. I am now in a position where I work fully remote and have a lot of time on my hands, and I see myself having this job for many years. I am nowhere near being ready to actually purchase a puppy, but I feel like my lifestyle would be able to handle it at some point (I am aware of the significant amount of training, grooming, exercise, food, and care they need compared to other breeds. It’s just an idea right now).

My biggest hurdle with the idea of this breed is the short lifespan. I just don’t know if I could handle it. I grew up with a little dog who ended up passing away at 17 years old, and even his death was very difficult for me (although it was the first death I’ve ever actually experienced, so that made a difference too). My question is, how did you get around to accepting the short lifespan and actually getting a wolfie? I’m not going to ask if they are “worth” it, because the amount of love your pets give you for any number of years is always worth it. I just want to know how you get to a point where you say it’s okay if they only live up to 8 or so years, and make the commitment.

This is why I chose to do it with just parents and siblings because I know all of them are 100% going and fully support everything we’ve chosen to do, if I invited extra family members like grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins, then I would’ve had to deal with complaints about hiking and a lack of an actual reception. So I chose to just have parents and siblings with us because I know they won’t complain and will be there for us


So we are just getting married in a national park but for me it’s worth the drive because it’s in a gorgeous, picturesque area. We’re driving up there, staying in a hotel, then driving to the location and going on a little hike to the spot we’ll have the ceremony. After the ceremony, we’re driving to the nearest town and having a simple dinner at a restaurant. Then most of us are going home the next day. We are all driving 6+ hours to get there. I told everyone we invited (which again was just very close family, parents and siblings), that there is absolutely no pressure for them to go. They’re all really excited about it and my in-laws are even staying up there for a whole week afterwards to make a trip out of it. As long as you make it clear to your guests what exactly everything will entail and they’re all okay with it, I see no problem with having to drive 5-6 hours! That’s why I just wanted to invite immediate family because I knew they would be cool with a destination wedding, but extended family would definitely complain, especially with how simple it’ll be

So all of the family coming to the actual wedding have confirmed they’re going and already booked their hotels so I’m not worried about that. As for showing the photos/video at the party, I know my family would rather see them than not, and if anyone has a problem with it, I truly don’t care… it’s how we chose to spend our day and if they truly care about us and support us then they won’t be judgmental

If you had an immediate family only wedding, how was it? Everything Else

I’m having an intimate wedding ceremony by one of the Great Lakes in Northern Michigan this summer with just our parents, siblings, and their spouses. My childhood best friend will be the only non-family member there, but she will be officiating the wedding. There will be 15 people total including our photographer and videographer.

Our plan is to do first looks at the hotel and private vows, then drive to the ceremony location, go on a little hike with everyone to the spot where we’ll get married, do the ceremony, first dance on the beach, celebratory picnic and family and couples portraits, then have dinner at a restaurant nearby. Our photographer and videographer will be with us from getting ready and through the dinner. 2 months later we’re having a relaxed party in a park for extended family to come celebrate our marriage, and we’ll show our wedding photos and video on a projector.

Has anyone else done something like this? If so, how was it? Did you do anything special that made it memorable? Any regrets?

Because they work with my photographer and I like their video style, just not the music. When I booked them I didn’t know that the music for a video was such a big part of it and thought it would be easy to just ask them if I can be a part of choosing the music

I’ve already booked them, they work alongside my photographer through the same company. The style of their videos definitely aligns with my taste, I just don’t like the music they picked from their videos I’ve seen on YouTube

Can I ask my videographer if I can choose the music for my wedding video?

Basically just wanted to know if it’s appropriate/normal for a client to choose their wedding video music. I understand that videographers have to use licensed music and I can’t just pick any song. I just want to be able to choose from their options because from the work of theirs I’ve seen, they tend to pick jazz-type music which is not my style at all.

How do I check them? SVE was the first mod I ever downloaded so I don’t really know anything about them

Cooking meals within their timeframe question

I have kind of a dumb question. My home chef meals always say “cook within x amount of days”. I never know if this includes the day I get the meals, or it starts the day after. For example, I get my meals delivered on Monday. I have a meal that says cook within 4 days. Does that mean Thursday or Friday is the last day to cook it? It’s steak and looks totally fine and I’d like to cook it tomorrow instead but I’m just not sure.

I’m the same way but my anxiety and overthinking comes back with a vengeance when the vyvanse wears off 🥲

Did you have fun watching animals get abused? You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting this disgusting business