Honeymoon phase plus it's before kids usually. I mean in this case he is worth about $200 million. If he never worked another day in his life he would bring home around $15 mil a year. It isn't like he is a struggling pro that needs to work.

He already had a girl lined up in the beginning. That's why he was out all the time and having fun. Now that ended and he's left holding his dick in his hand while his wife is out.

Also the fact she was fucking her boss was probably a big part do the reason she couldn't work there anymore. There is a reason you don't fuck your employees. It's going to cost you a lot of money.

Browned eggs trigger a migraine for me every time. It's so weird nothing else does it.

It's because they came out when they were young and nostalgia makes it feel better. They were 12 then and now they are almost 30 and they will never get that feeling again and they are angry about it. Getting old does suck.

I've seen it a lot with addicts. They tend to replace one addiction with another and it tends to be Religion or exercise in place of drugs or alcohol.

Democrats have never done well in specials and midterms before. It's a new trend which is why it shouldn't be ignored. There are more engaged Dem voters then before.

  1. Is a really big one that's easy to overlook. We judge him by his peers.

They didn't expect them to be hostile. He truly believed they would be welcomed with open arms.

If that's true and he just follows Trump through Twitter they may have made a big mistake.

They are completely misunderstanding a statement and blowing it out of proportion acting like the judge is allowing a guilty on different charges by different jurors to count as guilty. What he really said was the equivalent of for the charge of fraud. 4 jurors thought he committed mortgage fraud, 4 thought tax fraud, 4 thought business fraud that his intent didn't matter because what matters is they all agreed he was guilty on the fraud charge. Basically he said they don't have to agree on the reason why just that he committed the act.

The difference is Bush was patriotic and Trump is selfish. I didn't agree with a lot that Bush did, but I never thought he would hurt the country intentionally.

Chadtopian Citizen

It's not torture, but 5 miles is a long walk. The average walking speed is 3 miles an hour. So it's an hour and forty minute walk.

I mean it's true not that I would risk it. Here is a link to the study that says it.


This study was designed to establish whether motile spermatozoa are released with pre-ejaculatory fluid and whether this fluid therefore poses a risk for unintended pregnancy. Forty samples of pre-ejaculatory fluid were examined from 27 volunteer men. Samples were obtained by masturbation and by touching the end of the penis with a Petri dish prior to ejaculation. Eleven of the 27 subjects (41%) produced pre-ejaculatory samples that contained spermatozoa and in 10 of these cases (37%), a reasonable proportion of the sperm was motile. The volunteers produced on up to five separate occasions and sperms were found in either all or none of their pre-ejaculatory samples. Hence, condoms should continue to be used from the first moment of genital contact, although it may be that some men, less likely to leak spermatozoa in their pre-ejaculatory fluid, are able to practice coitus interruptus more successfully than others

This study was designed to establish whether motile spermatozoa are released with pre-ejaculatory fluid and whether this fluid therefore poses a risk for unintended pregnancy. Forty samples of pre-ejaculatory fluid were examined from 27 volunteer men. Samples were obtained by masturbation and by touching the end of the penis with a Petri dish prior to ejaculation. Eleven of the 27 subjects (41%) produced pre-ejaculatory samples that contained spermatozoa and in 10 of these cases (37%), a reasonable proportion of the sperm was motile. The volunteers produced on up to five separate occasions and sperms were found in either all or none of their pre-ejaculatory samples. Hence, condoms should continue to be used from the first moment of genital contact, although it may be that some men, less likely to leak spermatozoa in their pre-ejaculatory fluid, are able to practice coitus interruptus more successfully than others

Could be but roughly 50 percent of men have precum that doesn't have any sperm in it.

It usually comes with condescension and the belief the man knows better. Something he wouldn't interrupt and try to explain to another man.

I don't know anything about her, but the most likely reason is she grew up in a wealthy neighborhood and went to school with other wealthy kids.

The thing is popularity doesn't matter anymore. People now vote based off hate. Republicans used to vote because they hated the other side now Dems are doing it also. They don't like Biden, but they hate Trump so they will show up in higher than expected numbers to vote against him.

It comes down to turnout and I believe it has completely changed in the past 6 years especially after Rowe. Conservatives used to be the ones that showed up every election religiously because they hated the other side. That has completely flipped since Trump. He is one of the most hated people on the planet and Dems are pissed and turning out in higher than expected numbers. It's why small local elections used to be Republicans bread and butter, now off season elections are continually going for Dems because they are showing up at a higher rate than normal.

Essentially polling hasn't been updated for the new Democrat voting trends.