I’m the opposite! Vomiting is my very first symptom and the beginning of a few days of hell.

How does that work since I thought it processed through the stomach?

My GERD mainly presents as a constant gnawing pressure below my breastbone and it feels like there’s a bowling ball in there during a flare. I get less of the other symptoms. Couple that with some nerves, and that makes sense.

It’s not conflicted. You said they don’t do anything for Covid. That’s untrue. They are not 100% effective, but to say they don’t do anything is incorrect.

You’re clearly not up to date on the latest studies.

Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional

Wow. Mine looked just like that photo!

Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional

I’m not a doctor but it looks like a Bartholin's cyst to me.

“I don’t think they owe me their future health” just REALLY resonated with me and is causing me to think about things differently. Thank you.

Check out Fody Foods.

Capitol Hill! 100%. Funny, I’m thinking of moving to Boston!

Yes! I just got mine 12 hours ago and when I touch my skin or my clothes rub against it it’s a weird, sensation that I can’t quite explain.