Spiraling because I recently had to tell my mom that I'll be skipping family vacation this year, and her response really kind of seemed like she was expecting it/had been assuming I wasn't coming.

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but it hurt. No mention of anything that could be done to make it safer for me to join the trip, didn't even ask WHY I'm not coming.

I can't fucking live like this. My family is just carrying on without me. My city is too small for the local "still-coviding" group to do anything beyond a weekly Zoom meeting at a time when I'm already booked, and even if I was free, no amount of digital hangouts will ever actually replace face-to-face human intimacy. Nearly all of my friends live in different states at best and different countries at worst, and it's either too risky or too expensive to go visit them.

I have a COVID-conscious therapist who's trying to help me work through all of this bullshit, and I recently upgraded to the maximum allowable dose of the medication I take for my OCD/generalized anxiety disorder. I could probably stand to exercise a little bit more, but I'm still terrified of anything more than a brisk walk triggering some sort of latent Long COVID after my first and only infection that I know of last summer.

I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing - masking, probiotics, mouthwash, nasal spray - but I still feel like shit every single day. What's the point in staying healthy just to eventually (probably) have to watch my loved ones succumb to Long COVID or any of the myriad of horrible outcomes that multiple infections can cause?

I'm not religious, I can't placate myself with the idea that doing the right thing is going to result in some eternal happiness once I'm done here on earth. Obviously, YES, you SHOULD do the right thing, but unfortunately there isn't any reward for that. I'm spending my one wild and precious life isolated, angry, lonely, and scared, waiting for me or my loved ones to become disabled or die.

What's the point in staying alive just to wish that COVID had killed me the first go-round every day?

I'm so tired. I don't want to do this anymore.