dettalio meaning the action of dividing or detailing a whole

So are you looking for a verb here? A detail, to detail, or both?

New Poster

So 'this' is properly conveyed as 'tak' in the Duolingo's translation of the sentence.

Not really, just I don't think there's a proper English preposition to convey the same thing "не ко мне" conveys. It's "not for me" or "not mine", but that requires more context. Maybe "not my business" or "doesn't concern me" is better than "relevant".

"Then it's not relevant to me" is fairly close both by meaning and by word order.

Huh. "Включать" starts with the sound 'f', and "выключать" has an extra syllable. The differences feel significant enough to me.

"Они не повторят ошибки человечества" is also possible, but it will be perceived as one mistake, or at least will be ambiguous.

Yes, it's more commonly referred to in Russian as "blockade" (than "siege"), with naming the city or not.

Yes and yes.

Square brackets may have a different meaning, but here they pretty clearly are used in the same way as regular parentheses, just for better readability.

Then, a minus before an expression in parentheses or before a fraction effectively means multiplying it by -1.

It is also a 'ceasefire' literally meaning the point is to take a pause and continue later. These headlines seriously lack "lol" in the end (no I didn't read past the headline, lmk if it's there in the text).

You don't need to guess that if you take one easy step before that: .

Verbs don't have cases, that's for nouns :) But yeah, we use the infinitive for some dog commands: сидеть, лежать.

You posted an image of a different building though :)

Seconding this. Coded a solver after playing a couple of months and getting bored out. Doesn't find a solution for 2 empty vials.

Short answer: because why would they be?

Long answer: YOM2_UB already gave you a "practical" explanation stemming from a "real world" problem which could be lying behind this question. But I think just looking at numbers here is also warranted; in general, building some intuition about how numbers work or don't work is helpful even at like middle school homework level.

  • Note that 0.8 and 0.88, 0.92 are not directly or clearly related, so to say. You have "built" 0.88 and 0.92 from 0.8 by first subtracting 0.8 from 1, then multiplying by a number, then subtracting the result from 1 again. Exponents may be said to not "mess up" with multiplication, but they don't work in a simple way with addition (or subtraction)... just because what they are: they are not linear functions. (1+1)2 ≠ 12 + 12, and (2-1)2 ≠ 22 - 12.
  • Sometimes a thing may come clearer, or a distinction between things may become clearer when taken to an extreme. What about going not with 60% and 40% but 0% and 100%? Then we have 0% of 20 = 0, 100% of 20 = 10, and you're asking why doesn't 1 - 05 + 1 - 0.85 = 1 - 0.85. Well, because it clearly doesn't :)

That doesn't really make sense. 'Getting rid of the fractions' is just multiplying by a number. You can do that before substitution, after substitution, or not at all. It's a convenience and can't affect you getting a quadratic or not.

Does the link not work for you? Hm, maybe a mobile issue, works for me on the web. Unfortunately there's no article in English for it. Here's a link to the full wiki page. The store is now called Даниловский универмаг (which could be understood as universal store in the Danilovsky district), earlier it was Москворецкий универмаг (universal store in the Moskvoretsky district). The first word on the pendant/badge basically clarifies that it's in Moscow.

Да, это тоже мультфильм. Поищите по названию, или по имени персонажа, её зовут Дюдюка Барбидокская.

Well, grammatically it can be either. In speech, it's completely clear that she's in St. Petersburg and calls from there. There's no need to "clarify" the husband — unless, of course, the listener knows that she has several husbands and one of them is from St. Petersburg.

Since I see this post in the app but not on the web, I assume you deleted it, so I'm answering a comment. But I had a couple of thoughts that could be helpful.

First, consider the word злюка. It's feminine, it means someone who is злой on a regular basis, and it's not too long. Maybe it fits your needs, and I didn't see others suggesting it.

Then, if you're worried about "псих", consider adding this owl character besides the word: , it will make the word completely adequate. The image is from the short animation film "Ёжик в тумане", if you want to understand the context, and it's a good watch regardless of any tattoos, just for someone learning/with intermediate Russian.

I mean, graphically speaking, zero point nine repeating approaches 1, but never reaches it.

The issue is that here you think not of a number, but of a process, or a series. You imagine not a single number, but a sequence of numbers, each with more nines. That's why you think it 'approaches' 1, because it does. But a number can't 'approach' anything, it's not changing or moving. The number is zero, point, all the nines at once. It's justifiably hard to imagine, so you imagine a series instead. But when you treat it as a number, you see it's the same as just 1.