I'm severely worried. My little boy threw up twice yesterday, once near his food bowl and once by his litter box (not sure how far apart in time, I was asleep). I noticed his meow seemed.. louder and sadder than normal? And I had assumed he was sleeping on the hallway floor instead of in my room because my room doesn't have AC, but if I pick him up and take him anywhere, he just goes back to the middle of the hallway floor, and he's never laid there before.. I'm wondering if I should take him to the emergency vet? He's seemed off for about 13 hours now. I just want to see if I'm overreacting first because a surprise vet bill means I'll be late on rent. I'll do it, he's my soul mate and I can't imagine something happening to him... I'm having such a bad panic attack but I'm not sure if it's warranted