I said I’m not American so it would be clear I don’t understand all of the cultural references of the show. I see that this “title” is humiliating for her, because she considers herself the smartest person of the world, not just the smartest woman. But how does the word “sister” make other people to identify her as a BLACK woman?

Yes. This is weird, but being weird doesn’t equal to being racist. Yet everyone is acting like that.

I’m not American. Can anyone please explain, why calling her “sister” is considered racist?

Wow. Three vs one. Honor is dead…

Seems like Honor is dead…

One of the best modmakers for Cultsim is Sneakworks. His mods are straight-up amazing. There are:

  1. A Season of Acquaintances which adds 24 new followers of different aspects. Each one of them has several traits and their own quest or a questline! It also adds new city locations and new hunters.

  2. Betrayer’s Map is a mod for the Exile Legacy. It adds new cities, new weapons, new npcs (including Longs!), new ways to gain years (or fail miserably). It also makes your Foe much stronger, so, good luck!

  3. Apostle Obdurant is an apostle legacy about a Red Army officer who tries to ascend to the Namehood under Colonel during the Second World War (the Great Patriotic War). It is the most complex, interesting, unusual mod I’ve ever played. And Sneakworks is creating another apostle legacy (under the Lionsmith)! I’m really waiting for this one.

There are many other mods, but these three are my favourite. I hope you’ll like them!

Streets of rogue, kinda. Amazing game, but not a “real” imsim. Still recommend.

This is Roronoa Zoro from One Piece, incredibly strong swordsman. A new player has no gaming experience, so they are gonna be killed, violently, brutally, with no hope to survive.

Yes, I know this is a logic puzzle, but googling shows me different sites, with no option to solve the puzzles online and no additional hints. Can you please share a link?

Have you ever played CrossCode? It is a great indie Zelda-like. There is something you would find… relatable.

No. But I’ll see what I can do.

If any of the kids dies, then Jordan does. There is too much of “being a hero means sacrifice” in their story.


Almost. You got “D” and “E” right. “F” is the sixth letter of the alphabet, and binary six is “110” (as 1(2x2)+1(2)+0).

Then “F” has code “01000110”.

Viney: “Ha! Now you’re nothing without your harp!” Skara: Starts beatboxing

Мастер Пэй Мэй (Убить Билла 2, Тарантино)

И тут реплика пропущена)

— How much watches? — Ten clocks. — Such much? — For whom how… — MGIMO finished? — A-a-a-ask!.. (может меняться)

Hi! I’m currently playing your mod and it is amazing. I love all new features, writing and riddles (though some of them are difficult). You have done a great work!

But I think I’m stuck right now. I’ve grew all of the flowers except one: Moonflower. I thought I needed to explore “Streets Strange Under the Moonlight” to find the seeds (similar to Graspweed and the club or pristine aurora and the memories) due to hint from the book, but I’ve been exploring it for an hour with no success. Exploring Moonshine doesn’t help either. So the question is: What am I doing wrong? How do I find the seed? Can you please help me?

This sub has no Shadow of War 2, this sub needs no Shadow of War 2.

But it would be amazing to play as Numenorian or as an elf against the powers of Morgoth.


