It’s going out randomly, almost every time I drive, not related to weather.

Have you checked and thoroughly cleaned the windshield in front of the eyesight camera? I'm wondering if it's possible that there is a smear on it that when the sunlight hits at a certain angle it obsctructs the view of the camera.

Is there an easy way to remove a camera click sound that happens every 4 seconds from a video?

I have a video that recorded an event, but it was next to an SLR camera that was taking a photo every 4 seconds, and the sound of the beep and the click is louder than the voice of the speaker.

Is there any software that will remove those sounds from the recording, while leaving the voice of the speaker relatively unscathed?

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After all that we didn't end up going to one!!! The trip was 1/2 LA 1/2 LV, and we randomly went to a Whole Foods in Malibu for hot bar before getting to LV. We had still planned on going to Smiths on Sky Pointe, but then we were so full from buffet that we ended up skipping it as we'd already had a hot bar experience in LA! It will be included on our next trip for sure though.


Thank you, that answers the last part of my curiosity :) The eyes/brain must be incredibly sensitive to tiny differences in eye position/focus to figure out small distance differences like that through triangulation!


Thanks, that answers most of what I was wondering, I guess the part I'm still curious about is what the difference is in the resulting image that makes our brains evaluate how far away it is.

I understand that mechanically speaking it's how far the light has had to travel, but if we had two HUDs from two sets of mirrors, both the same image at the same (perceived) size, but one appearing further away than the other, how does our brain figure out which one is further away? Does it have a way to sense how far the photons have travelled? Is it something to do with how much our eyes have to adjust in order for it to be in focus? etc.

Usually they can have their height adjusted a bit, and they may have a “focus” adjustment, but to be able to make it appear closer or farther away, I think it would need a completely different set of mirrors.

This is the part I would like to understand. So, one set of mirrors makes it appear above the front of the hood. If I replaced those mirrors with ones that made it appear half-way between the front of the hood and the windshield, how would they be different from the current set of mirrors to achieve that, and what is different about the resulting image that makes it seem closer, or futher away? Just making it bigger would just make it seem bigger but in the same place I would think. Adjusting the skew(?) of the image would just make it not appear to be straight. What is changed that makes it feel closer/further?


ELI5: How do they make the HUD on a car appear to float above the front of the hood, and can they choose it's position?Technology

I recently rented a car which had an HUD for your speed, as well as the current speed limit.

When looking at it, it seemed to float above the front of the hood. I took a picture of it which came out pretty well.

I am wondering how they get it to float, instead of looking like it's sitting on the windsheild, and whether they can control where it appears to float. For example, could something be changed that would make it feel like it was closer, perhaps in the middle of the hood instead of at the front of it? How about if they wanted to make it seem like it was three car lengths in front of the car?

If it is possible to change where it appears to float, what do they have to change about it to have that effect?

EDIT silly fingers added an apostrophe to the "its" in the title, and I can't change it.

Oh. That’s unusual to have a limit on DHCP reservation.

Some basic routers don't have a limit per se, just that they only have e.g. 10 rows where you can type if in, rather than dynamically adding rows.

Either way, why does he need static IP addresses for every single device he has?

No idea, but it may not be every device, and there are plenty of reasons it could be needed!

It would be just as easy to just adjust the IP pool to ommit a range and then enter the IP manually to these devices into that range.

Agreed, although it's possible some of the devices don't have an easy way to set a static IP on the device. There's also no guarantee that a router that only has a limited number of static DHCP addresses has the ability to adjust the IP pool range!

They are saying that their router only allows 10 devices to be setup to always get the same IP address via DHCP. The others might get a different IP address when the lease expires.

I would recommend getting a Raspberry Pi Zero and setting up Pi-Hole which is designed for much more than you want (and is a great thing to have in general), but it has a really easy interface to allow the DHCP to be handled by it.

If you have access to any spare socks, you could try putting socks over them.

Oh not that it has a fixed height in CSS, but measure the height once it's on screen.

Still it's not ideal, because dividing might mean that e.g. page 1 has 10.5 rows, and the first row of page two starts halfway off the screen. I can probably check for that and tweak it though. Thanks for the pointer!

Unfortunately it needs to work on all screen sizes, so I have to avoid fixed heights.

New to 702

So not really sure where you got the impression that authentic Chinese hotpot is AYCE

Authentic Chinese wasn't part of my criteria, and I wasn't trying to suggest that authentic Chinese hotpot is AYCE, I just wanted to make it clear that we were looking for Chinese not Japanese hot pot (of which Las Vegas has many options). It was /u/crazie88 who brought the idea of authentic Chinese into the discussion. I was curious as to where they got that impression, and whether it was their overall impression, or just relating to hot pot in Las Vegas.

Row height unfortunately could be variable as some rows might have multiple lines of text in them.

How do I create a page that shows as many rows as possible to fit the screen?

For example, I might have 200 records. If the screen is, say 1024 * 768, maybe 10 records would fit, but if the screen is a 4K screen, it can probably fit 40 records on a page.

For further context, it will then loop through the records every (say) 30 seconds. I know how to do that part, I'm just not sure how to have it show the most records that can fit without scrolling based on the screen resolution. It would be similar to a single screen departures board at an airport where it loops through the departures on one screen instead of being spread across multiple screens. The main difference is that I don't have control over the screen size, and it needs to work for whatever screen size it is put on, automatically fitting in the maximum number of records possible per page.

I ended up getting this one but it looks like it's no longer available. I would say any with a couple of good size fans would be fine.

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That is one possibility, but our ideal is to match what we normally eat as closely as possible. The celebration includes many different types of food over many days from fast food to high class restaurants. Hot pot for us sits in the middle and if we can find a regular AYCE Chinese hot pot that would be the best option. After searching we found options for Japanese, premium, and not AYCE, hence posting here to see if there was a regular AYCE Chinese hot pot that we just haven't been able to find so far.

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That will probably be what happens in the end, I was just hoping there was one somewhere that had eluded my searches so far! Thanks.

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We are specifically looking for Chinese AYCE, it's part of a celebration of food things that have been part of our lives, and AYCE Chinese hot pot is one of them.

Are you saying that you believe truly authentic Chinese hot pot is not AYCE, or that in Vegas there aren't any AYCE Chinese hot pot places that are truly authentic?