The Cinderella Barbie is soooo pretty

I’d rather clean poo than vomit. This is the deal my husband and I have (for our dogs).

For my bank, the routing number is different on checks and deposit slips

Same bro. I want to move to something else but those golden handcuffs got me good. I’m looking into AML roles because I need a change

I do both spoonerisms and transposing words, sometimes at once. I think I just get too excited about what I’m going to say and I word-vomit it out. I’m quite inarticulate verbally

Idk if I get a “high” from exercise, but my body feels better and my sleep is improved. I go in the afternoon/early evening though bc I can’t with the mornings and the actual work out always makes me sleepy. I do feel more energetic as a baseline with consistent exercise though.

Weighted blanket made me feel trapped as well. I cuddle pillows and my blanket instead and my dog sleeps with me

I did this the other day. I didn’t have to be at work until 9, woke up naturally at 7:30, got to work at 9:30. 😩

I had three clients today try to do that to me. No, I will hand it to you or put it on the counter when you may touch it.

Saaaaame. I usually put it on the lapel of my blazer because I always have to sign off on shit

Anxiety meds may help but also, try practicing. On my way to an interview, I talk to myself in the car. If that’s an option, maybe it will help. Also, most of your interactions will go the same way “how are you, how can I help, how do you want the cash, which account, do you need an envelop, here’s your receipt”. And you get the benefit of being allowed to say you’re new! :) I hope you’re able to find a solution

My dogs speak English and Spanish, and yes, the husky definitely answers hahah. She also likes to sit on feet


Here she is with my lab/pit mix. Husky is Gabby, pittie is Angel

I’m number 5 out of 7. Hell, my younger sister is probably already here. If my parents had somehow squeezed out THREE additional children, I may have committed matricide. Even that far down the rankings of children, I was parentified. My siblings moved out between 14-16. I stayed home until I was 18 out of spite. My parents had no idea how to raise kids and they did a pretty terrible job. It did not get better as they went down the line. Most of us have no contact with our mom and minimal with our dad. Even amongst us, there’s a lot of infighting and a shocking amount of discrepancies between our feelings about our family.

The advice you have here is solid. Freeze your credit ASAP. Go to a bank your parents don’t use and open an account. Most banks have options for minors to have a free account and they may allow you to be independent of your parents, too. Just don’t order a debit card immediately or send it to a trusted friend’s house and make sure your paperless for everything so your parents can’t get any account info from the mail.

I’m sorry you’re in this situation. I hope you’re able to get out. Remember, you didn’t do anything to deserve this and you are not responsible to save your siblings.

Just say “and you as well, have the day you deserve!” With a very cheery smile

But it has to look genuine

I wanted to get rid of my dad’s name, plus husband’s last name is cooler than mine. He wanted to change to my last name because it is very distinct, but he has a business that was long established before we married, so I changed mine. Ultimately I’m glad we have the same surname and I feel more attached to the one I have now than my maiden name. If we’d had kids, it would also have been more important to me that we all have the same last name, especially because my husband and I are different races and I would want to avoid any confusion that we are related.

On a side note, I have been confused more than once by my siblings providing their surnames and it being different from my own, hahah.

I work at a bank and I love telling people they’re committing a crime driving without their license. Can’t be mad I didn’t give you money if you’re too mad I’m calling you a criminal.

My teams love me but my survey scores are low lol

My friend is from Pakistan and he and his wife have a garage kitchen for the sole purpose of not stinking the home. Smart idea

How did you get into fraud investigations?

Same. I also say pokels and ruin other words for fun. But usually in private.


I have no talent in photoshop but I love your sister’s “hay girl hay” shirt

I usually only ask if people have an android because it’s been a while since I’ve had one so for my job, I don’t always know how to help them navigate their device and I’m not allowed to touch it. I know how to use an iPhone bc it’s what I have because Verizon had a deal and that’s what we got.