:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Und was hindert die Regierung derzeit den ORF Beitrag auf 0 zu setzten um Druck auf den ORF auszuüben?

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Ja. Wo kämen wir den da hin, wenn der Provinzkaiser nicht mitkassieren darf?

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Was hindert die Regierung derzeit die Beitragspflicht aufzuheben und warum kann der gleiche Mechanismus nicht genutzt werden um es aus dem Budget zu finanzieren?

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Die Höhe hängt vom Bundesland ab. In der Stmk sind es z.b. 6 x 40€.

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Als würde die GIS OBS hier eine neutrale Quelle darstellen.

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Just some additional information:

When you are called for the Stellung, you can call them if the date doesn't work for you (e.g. you already have some appointment that can't easily be moved). May get you a couple extra days towards your 35th birthday.

It is 2 days before the draft letter arrives not 2 week.

You have 6 (-2 days) months after the Stellung to decide, in this time they are not allowed to draft you, unless you sign that away, so be careful what you sign.

If you select Zivildienst and get the Letter assinging you, you have 14 days to retract your Zivildiensterklärung, this will put you back to military service. But in case the position you are assigned sucks, it is an option.




:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!


Angestellte bekommen ein Gehalt.

Me like cool machines, me do engineering degree, me smart right?, will mangage right?, now me has depression.

Depends, some random closed source app that is made by a company you can't even find the address of. Pretty bad. Your data is probably less secure.

From a trustworthy company and/or a trustworthy open source project. No worries.

Remember "VPN" is just a concept that can be implemented by varying server and client applications. And just because something is in the store doesn't mean it is safe (there are some checks but, they are not perfect, and you don't know what the VPN server does with your data anyway).

In fact telemetry can tell you that putting the start menu in the corner (and the hitbox too) allows people to click it faster.

You don't need telemetry for that. Basic UI design has figured this out decades ago. Putting it simply: the corners of the screen are infinitely large (i.e. you can move your mouse in their general direction and you are guaranteed to hit them).

I guess they moved it to the center as touch screens are very common these days and there centered things are easier to get to than left bottom corner. And that way they appear more modern by utilizing that, and also mimicking smartphone interfaces.

How do they get so few horsepower from a V8 motor. - Clarkson

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

No sauces, no butter, just dry as it is

I would check if I could fit some vegetable oil in the budget. Just dry as is, is not great. And the body needs fat for digestion, it provides energy and depending on the oil some nutriens and can be added to pretty much anything.

HB plis gib super feline

How many DOF does the delay have and does it work in VR?

HB plis gib super feline

They will delay the announcement of the delay.

For the Tomcat. You get dumb bombs and laser guided. The latter being done by the Backseater (Jester AI). You can look at videos of the Tomcat doing laser guided and decide if that is what you are after.

Personally I always found dropping guided bombs rather boring (which is realistic, irl you want it to be as easy and safe as possible). So I kinda avoid that. If A-G is high on your priority list get the Hornet. If it is only about "not wanting to limit myself" then refer to the last paragraph.

Btw the Tomcat does come with campaigns included (at least one works out of the box, the other could require some maps or supercarrier but I don't remember).

And don't get pulled into "rational" comparisons between the aircraft. DCS is a hobby so buy the one your heart tells you to.

For what it's worth, I started on the Tomcat and whenever I fly the Hornet I wish it was a Tomcat. Not for the coolness but because the Tomcats operation is so streamlined. You don't worry about the radar and navigation equipment. Most things have a button to select them with and off you go. Meanwhile in the Hornet you ahve to navigate the MFDs, which I find to be somewhat frustrating when you don't know how to get to that one menu you need right now.

Oh and fuel. Always worried about fuel in the Hornet while in the Tomcat I usually run the engines on reheat on the way back to get to my max trap weight.

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Ich würde darauf tippen, dass beim Verpacken der Käse noch recht lose in der Packung landet und damit mehr platz einnimmt und dann während dem Transport durch daneben liegende Produkte und Vibrationen verdichtet wird.

1973 war das erste digitale FBW system. Die Avro Vulcan hatte 52 schon ein analoges und in der zivilen Luftfahrt die Concorde 69.

And model numbers followed by the term "datasheet".

Is it possible to learn this power?

:flag-ukraine: Slava Ukraini!

Ich wollte nur darauf hinaus, dass der Kraftstoff vom Bus viel Kerosin drinnen hat.