I call it my “migraine hangover” like the main event wasn’t enough 🙃

i’m sorry bud but your wii remote looks infected :(

Hey! I totally get the worrying! But if it helps at all, this is a very common side-effect of Botox injections! Call your provider who did them, they should be able to help you! Also, for the future, do not rub your face or head for at least 24-48 hours after injections! You can actually move the medication! I always make sure i’ve cleaned my hair and face very well before injection day to avoid any need to rub anywhere on my head!

I’m especially a caseworker for families with children in the early intervention program. Specifically children under 3 with developmental delays. Each state has the program as it’s funded my medicaid, but I’m specifically in NYS. I manage service plans, parent/provider contacts, do the intake process, etc. I would say 85% of my job is all virtual and about 15% I’m in the community. I love my job. It’s definitely challenging but so rewarding!!

I work a hybrid schedule! 3 days remote, 2 in office. I am a service coordinator for early intervention!

okay 1) your sister sucks 2) you did not hide their names well lol

My dear, you’re not just beating a dead horse; the horse is skeletal and buried under 6 feet of dirt. I know you have a gut feeling of what you need to do considering you posted here, trust your gut.

IF ONLY I COULD AFFORD IT🥲 one day friend, one day i’ll check this off my bucket list

Haha! I figured one of us roc people would be here! Definitely do! She is incredible! I have Excellus for insurance and only have a 20 dollar copay to see her!

Hi friend! I am 24 and my migraine story is very similar to yours! Resistant to every medication I’ve tried, I have Eletriptan, Rizatriptan, Ajovy, Neurtec, and Botox for treatment. For so many years I was basically told “just keep doing what you’re doing” until I went to a private practice neurologist.

Now, do your research for one. Some private doctors can be sketchy, however once I found my current neurologist, she has truly changed my life. I go in and she loads me up with every new sample drug she has, just to see if anything works. She has her office open for headache cocktails if I ever needed it, and she just makes me feel heard. My migraines have improved so much, and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact I feel optimistic about finding relief again.

Doctor shop girl. Find the person that will listen to you. If you want a migraine friend from across the US, feel free to DM me. We’ve got this!!

Btw, my neurologist is Heidi Lynn Yipp in Rochester, New York if anyone is in the area looking for a new doc. She accepts most major insurances!

I have 3 of these things! I would die without them! That being said, eye holds would be INCREDIBLE!

Couldn’t have said it better myself! This shit is ruining the city. People don’t realize that this isn’t only happening to rich people in the suburbs. This is happening to everyday people who work hard to just make a living.

Sending good vibes your way! I hope this clears for you with as little struggle as possible!

I had my car stolen from my home and totaled back in August. It’s such a violation. I’m very lucky I had enough savings (and work two jobs) to get a new car. Many people aren’t.

The fact that the city just seems to turn a blind eye to the growing vandalism/theft problem among our youth is insane.

I just came from her post! You guys clearly care a lot for one another! Insecurities can be a bitch, but it sounds like both of you are committed to addressing the issues!

Wishing for the best for you two!

Feel you my friend, I need a new driver side quarter panel after someone hit and run me. Fucking sucks🥲

lol what???? i’m a bisexual woman and i can imagine how awful it would feel to have my sexuality completely disregarded by my partner because i’m in a hetero relationship. we already get enough shit from outsiders for being bi anyway and it coming from the person you love, that would destroy me.

if you don’t like your partner being attracted to both men and women, don’t date bisexual people. and just because we are in heterosexual relationships doesn’t mean we still don’t like both men and women.

I should also add: there was a car parked perpendicular to me. I was backed in to an end parking spot and when I left there was a gray truck parked in the grassy area perpendicular to me. I’m assuming someone before the truck parked there the same way and went too deep and hit my car.

Unfortunately we will never know for sure what happened, so at this point what use is it to speculate? I mean, as I’ve previously stated I have no enemies lol, didn’t park in an awkward or disrespectful way, and no one knew I was going to boulder that day. Sooooooo, as far as I’m treating it: a fuck head hit my car and left before they had to report it on their insurance.

Welp, it’s being treated as a hit and run. I don’t see why someone would only beat my driver side rear quarter panel and nothing else in a busy parking lot.

For those wondering about possible vandalism, this picture shows a bit more of the paint transfer. It’s very obvious that another car hit my car.


Again, this angle is giving a weird look of it lol. There is very obvious paint transfer on it.

lol, i mean, i don’t know why??? i parked normally and respectfully and i’m a decent human lol. i’d also assume if someone hit it repeatedly with a bat, they would go for more than just the rear quarter panel (and also consider their time in a busy parking lot)

lol no enemies and i parked just fine! there is paint transfer that looks either white or gray