Another forgotton middle child here. I related to this so bad. The only time we had the attention was when we were in trouble and we tried so hard always to be good. Then they would say we were so easy to raise even though it never felt easy to us.

I uh, dont sell it for some reason. I have a box of cheese (like 8000). I started saving it in case i needed it and i use it for food when i go in the mines but it got out of hand now and i dont want to sell my cheese hoard like im some kind of cheese dragon.

I use it for most things. I just didn't know the name of the recipe that i needed here, so i wasnt sure how to look it up

THANK YOU! I've been watching the show for three in game years, thinking i just missed a day. I was going nuts!

This really helped❤️ thank you

It's more just worrying for someone that you can't do anything for. I just really hope he's alright. But youre right he does have a good support system.

I dont have to pretend to enjoy their company. I dont have to do upkeep on a relationship that drains me. I dont have to see them and it is resting my body and mind. I feel good and then i feel guilty about it.

Is anyone else worried about the amount Ethan is drinking in his videos now?Other

Legitimatly worried for him. Wanna give him a hug and tell him it'll be okay. His content has strange undertones of spiraling.

This is a good idea. Thank you!

You're right, but it is so hard to see past your own inner critic to tell yourself that. Im a hypocrite when it comes to self love

I just feel so trivial when i think of how hurt i am. I wonder if i over reacted. But you're right. They programed us that way. We deserve peace. Thank you for the hug stranger.

Wasit really bad enough?Trigger Warning: Emotional Abuse

I grew up emotionally and physiologically abused. I went through 8 years of counseling and boundary setting and finally set no contact back in November with my whole family. It has been peaceful but I've been overwhelmed with guilt. Was it really so bad I needed to go no contact? My partner of 8 years confirms that it was but I'm still stuck feeling like the bad guy.

The holidays were hard. My family would always order chinese food(we live in Canada)for new years eve and I couldn’t eat it cause it upset my stomach aside from one dish from one specific restaurant. But they always picked somewhere else cause my aunt didnt want to order from there so I was stuck eating grilled cheese for supper. Someones preference(for no other reason than "didnt want to order from there") was more important than me being able to eat something from a restaurant and being included.

This was one of few examples my brain is able to conjure up because for some reason I cant remember other specific things. My parents had unreasonable expectations and they guilt tripped and compared us siblings. But specifically I struggle to pull up more than a half dozen memories to prove that I was treated badly.

I guess im just weighed down by guilt about it all. I dont even know why Im making this post.


Jealous! It looks so good!

I have not told my grandma outright that I am no contact, at the request of my parents. I tried to do so multiple times but each time they said they would talk with her. I think theyre trying to save the reputation. That being said I have not made a secretary of the fact I dont want to see her. I actively avoid her and decline hugs and conversations when I was in a situation that couldn't avoid seeing her.

WIBTA if I returned money to my no contact family?Advice Needed

I(F26) grew up in an emotionally and psychologically abusive home. I will spare the details but at the beginning of this month I went no contact with my family.

Yesterday I received a Xmas card in the mail from my openly transphobic grandma (my partner is trans). The message in it was normal but it included $50. WIBTA if I returned the money? It feels hypocritical of me to keep it after saying I want nothing to do with everyone but I also dont want to look like I'm being petty and sending it back. Truth be told I just want to be left alone without hurting people more.

So reddit, WIBTA?

That's actually, super helpful advice. As im sure it is obvious, I overthink a lot.

Potentially. Idk how much it would affect it but, the potential has me nervous

There is a police officer in my family.

I wasnt going to ghost them. I have a plan to tell them. I just know they wont accept it