For what it is worth, I think you made the right decision.

Especially on a credit card.

If you can't pay the balance within a month, you should not be using a credit card at all.


Because that would be stupid.

Credit Cards are a minor net benefit if you use them correctly and pay them off every month.

If you do not pay them off every month, you would probably be better off not using them at all.


I have inexpensive hobbies and tend to just save and invest my disposable income.

I figure those investments will eventually grow to the point I can retire early and do more of the things I love.

I would argue whatever age living with them becomes a hindrance to starting your own life.

For some people this is as early as 18. For some people, there is no age.


Younger Generations tend to have less wealth than older generations because they've had less time to build it.

Millennials got off to a difficult start due to the 2008 crisis, but many have started their wealth building journeys since then.

Millennials and Gen Z are both doing better at retirement savings when adjusted for age.

Decline in economic activity and decline in GDP are basically synonymous.

And a few months and two quarters are likewise synonymous.

The definition of two quarters of GDP decline is more precise.

It is the standard definition used by most economists.

Do you have a better definition?

None of that is relevant to macroeconomic data.

A recession is two or more consecutive quarters of GDP decline.

We have not had a single quarter of decline since Covid.

Once we have one quarter of decline, then we can start debating whether or not a recession is starting.


Makes sense.

They are lightweight, expensive, and easy to resell online.

I'm not even sure how you crackdown on this other than increased Security at the store level.

I wonder if Lego will need to start placing RFID chips in the bricks or something.

A recession is two or more consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.

We haven't had a single negative quarter since Covid.

How do you think we are in a recession?

Several 3rd party news services had live fact checking, but the actual CNN broadcast did not per the agreed upon debate rules.

Trump actually named Virginia as that place several times.

It is a complete lie. But his lies have details.

But how is CNN the "loser" of the debates.

They promised to follow the rules both campaigns set and agreed upon which were published weeks ago.

And CNN largely fulfilled that promise.

The moderation was actually one of the only things that went well last night. They did everything they promised and followed the rules as written and agreed upon.

The moderators followed the rules agreed upon by both campaigns.

One of those rules was that there would be no live fact checking.

These rules were published weeks in advance and were restated at the start of the debate.

I can't fault the moderators for following the rules both campaigns agreed upon.

The moderators followed the rules agreed upon by both campaigns and one of those was no live fact checking.

These rules were published weeks in advance and were restated at the start of the debate.

I can't fault the moderators or network from following the agreed upon rules.

The moderators followed the rules agreed upon by both campaigns.

They were fully transparent that there would be no live fact checking, but candidates would be given ample time to respond.

These rules were published weeks in advance and were restated at the start of the debate.

Blaming the moderators for Biden's poor performance is asinine.

The moderators followed the rules as agreed upon by both campaigns.

They were fully transparent that live fact checking would not be a part of it and those rules were announced weeks in advance.

They provided plenty of opportunities for candidates to rebut each other.

Blaming the moderators for Biden's poor performance is asinine.

Because the candidates are supposed to debate each other, not the moderators.

The format provided the candidates plenty of opportunities to counter anything their opponents said.

But Biden did not seem capable of doing that last night.

Both campaigns agreed to the rules of this debate, so I can't fault the moderators for doing what they said they would.

Biden was born closer to the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln than his own.


Trump offered him a 6 point handicap and Biden "countered" saying he wanted 8 points.

How is that better?

And why are we talking about golf in the first place?

That was definitely the low point of the debate.

Either that or Biden saying he "beat Medicare".

What does that even mean?

I am responding to the guy who keeps blaming the moderators for Biden's performance.

The moderators followed the rules as agreed upon by both campaigns which were published weeks in advance.

The moderators also restated the rules at the beginning of the debate.

Blaming the moderators makes no sense.


The moderators followed the rules as agreed upon by both campaigns which were published weeks in advance.

They also restated the rules at the start for everyone who did not read them beforehand.

Blaming the moderators is asinine.

What did the moderators do wrong?

They followed the rules as agreed upon by both campaigns.

I can't fault the moderators for doing what they said they would.

They were very transparent and published the agreed upon rules weeks in advance and then restated them at the start of the actual debate.