Depends on how urgent the boss want you to start and the HR person. Mine took about 1 working week (not NUH)

So you don't want to time the market but you want to time the market


If you're nothing with the medicine degree, then YOU are nothing.

No wonder scammers like to target Singaporeans

I just started new job, won't be paid until end of the month. I need money too.

So generous, I don't lend money to friends.

Btw, can you lend me $10?

Patient recruitment, patient follow up, grant management, administrative stuff.

If really so rich should have been able to afford a proper FA not internet stranger

Call him out, loud. "Uncle look what look? Disgusting pervert!" They enjoy making people embarrassed, you should do the same onto him.

Then it looks quite ok to me, insurance (assuming it's not ILP) and investment are for good purpose, you're not splurging

Need to see category breakdown. What do you mean by living expenses? And what did you spend with that 3k? Majority spent on shopping and entertainment?

Depends on how much you earn, if your saving rate is decent and can allow you to retire comfortably, then I see no problem.

In clinical research now, cos I lost passion with lab stuff. I'm doing ok now, happy with my choice so far.

VWRA is also 60% US and 40% international. But if you really don't want exposure to China market… then EXCH lo

Fee and AUM for both ETFs you mentioned look OK to me


I don't mean the BS part. Because MCP has a very high drop rate, in year 2 you have all the chem modules on top of the regular BS modules, which is not fun at all.

Fyi, you don't need MCP to do biomed research. Was in infectious diseases/therapeutic research lab, and currently in clinical research with my single major in bio sci. Of course MCP will give you a slight advantage but don't think it's gonna make you much more in-demand in the research field. But if you think you will enjoy the MCP curriculum, it's great too cos you'll learn about pharmaceutical stuff. Just wanted give you the realistic picture.

Hey, that's rude! you're supposed to play the role as a free FA /s