I think it depends on your body shape, honestly. I wish more people, especially influencers, would dress for their body shape instead of in trends. I’m VERY pear shaped with thigh chub rub for DAYYSS and wide leg pants and jeans are a life saver for me. They make me look way more proportional - that being said, I’ve worked with a personal stylist (@artinthefind actually) over the past year and it’s been incredible for my style and confidence.

Laura Beverlin has entered the chat. People were up in arms the other day about her adding “shaving my legs” to her to do list for the day. And wouldn’t ya know? Later that day she was shilling a razor …. She’s notorious for stuff like that. I don’t see how people don’t see it coming.

I say this all the time! There is a new neighborhood with 100% custom homes being built right by me … multi million dollar homes … and there’s already 3 stark white with black windows and metal roofs. As someone who loves architecture and interior design, it infuriates me when I see people spend so much on something already so dated. You live in a gated community, NOT on a farm!

Agreed. My daughter started daycare at 6 months and is 14 months now - so in 8 months she’s had Covid, RSV (with a hospital stay), and strep TWICE. But literally not even a runny nose in between. So I guess she’s just one of those kids who is like “welp, if I’m going to get sick, I’m gonna get REAL sick.” 😂

Hello from another!! I don’t live there anymore, but that’s where I grew up and was so upset the last time I was home and it was closed!

Also thought it was cereal at first glance 😂

Grew up close enough to the area as well to know they are different towns. It makes it pretty clear that she’s new lol

Same! I absolutely love my dog, but there are just certain places she doesn’t belong. An outdoor beer garden? Sure, as long as it’s open space and she’s on leash. The super market or HomeGoods? Absolutely not. There is absolutely no reason. And I swear to god if I see one more dog in a GD stroller that was more expensive than the one for my CHILD ….

That orange dress she wore with the flowers and slicked back hair I thought was absolutely beautiful!!

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe Texas is different, but when my daughter was in the NICU in Florida, myself and my husband were the only two allowed. We could be in her room together, but no one else. So if he had to work, I was alone for however long. Now, this was February 2023, but still - I thought it was pretty strict.

Yea - I’d bet that it’s more like IUI instead of IVF. Did she previously try IUI or go straight to IVF? I only ask because I was told by 2 fertility doctors that after 3 rounds of IUI, your chances of pregnancy actually decreases. We ended up having to go down the IVF route. So I’m just kind of curious what she means by this and if it is IUI, why after so many rounds of IVF.

This is a really interesting comment and something I’ve been thinking about with influencers a lot lately. Preface - I’m not a dietician but know enough due to my own health issues, but fiber is arguably just as important, if not more, than any other vitamin/mineral or protein for that matter. It drives me nuts when influencers are constantly talking about protein this, protein that (looking at Lauren Kay Sims as an example). And yes, protein is important, but fiber really helps regulate body systems and the like and never seems to be talked about enough. Now, I’m not looking at influencers for dietary recs, I have a professionally trained RD for that, but still. It makes me weary of those that DO look to influencers for that kind of recommendation.

A very good family friend was a nurse practitioner for a very well respected neurosurgeon, and she was constantly telling us stories about stroke patients who had just had neck adjustments 1-2 days before the stroke. It was enough stories to scare me away.

So I actually used this almost exact response to a LOT of people and I WISH I had the pictures of their faces to show ya’ll. Through 5 years of infertility from 30-35, people (especially my MIL) asked “when are you guys having kids?” And finally I got sick of it and started saying “as soon as the 5 shots a day, ultrasounds in my vagina weekly, and blood draws show a positive pregnancy test, we’ll have kids.” 😂😂 now that we have our daughter, no one asks if we’ll have a second (which we will not be in part because of the above 5 years of miserable-ness). I don’t think people want to hear my response on having another.

Jenna Kutcher has entered the chat. She is my all time BEC

It was actually Amazon. She’s got the Amazon influencer program tagged and hash tagged. Wonder if the RL fragrance was Amazons pick or hers?

The worst part is I think those plates are HIDEOUS!! Do super rich people just buy ugly stuff because it’s expensive?? I have always really loved Julia, but her taste lately has been questionable (in my opinion). She has this absolutely gorgeous southern home, and while I admire the idea of decorating “differently” and not just all blue and white, her house kinda makes my head spin. It just feels like she picked out the most expensive things regardless of how it worked in the house. And that’s how I feel about those dishes too lol

Thank you, I’m WELL aware what The Everygirl (and Everymom) is. Just because she doesn’t currently do a lot of brand deals or affiliate linking, doesnt mean she isn’t making money from Instagram/her personal brand. She has 57K followers and another 32K on LTK. She’s making plenty of money. Not to mention she’s not the sole income provider for her family. My husband (who also works in banking and mortgages) and I could get approved for a million dollar second home mortgage if we wanted to based on our salaries. And most people who are buying $1.4M homes are buying them in cash, so thanks for the attempt at an education lesson, but I’m good.

Also, in the grand scheme of influencers… $1.4 million doesn’t seem like that much. In fact, you might be surprised what kind of mortgage your average Joe can get approved for. Not saying that they SHOULD spend what they get approved for, but a lot of people do….

Yes, that’s 100% it. Unless a company has more than 50 people, they do not get the discounts like larger companies do. In fact, a lot of times, small companies will actually pay a bonus for NOT taking their insurance. I would absolutely look into other options if it truly is that expensive. You might be surprised what options are out on the market that actually end up cheaper. Signed, an HR/benefits professional

Ok so I’ve thought about this too. I get wanting to have twins, cool whatever. But does she realize how rare spontaneous twins are? Unless she’s got twins in the family or did fertility treatments, her chances of having twins is pretty low. Or am I way off base? The way she talks about it makes it sound like it’s highly probable for her….

It’s probably going to get deleted regardless because it hasn’t been publicly mentioned by at least one of the two. Over the last week, there’s been at least 10 comments deleted for sharing this info when they haven’t themselves.

Lauren Sims is up there too. She likes to hide it behind her profile photo in the corner.

I was considering entering a bunch of influencer give aways and going all in with all the requirements just to see if I could win anything 😂😂 I’m not sure if I have the time….but I’m willing to give it the ol’ college try!! 😂