I’m curious what their excuses will be if all of our nightmares come true, and Trump gets elected and things actually don’t magically get better. In fact it’ll get worse. What do we think pea brain here will use to excuse it away?

I don’t understand how it wasn’t even a thought that this isn’t something they’d just forgive because they decide later to lavish with gifts. I mean come on, a graduation is a huge deal. It should have been common sense to at least send one to assist with the one in labor, and one to watch the graduation.

They should have water bottles or water dishes at all times filled with fresh water. Pea fishing is a separate enrichment activity that provides snacking and also a way to cool down if it’s hot.

Pea fishing is putting frozen peas in water and letting the rats get out the peas. They love to play and eat them. It’s also messy because they just eat the shells. lol

I have pet rats and they do not do well in temps above 80 degrees. Even without AC you can help them with ceramic tiles placed in the freezer for a bit and then put them in the cage. Keep water bottles filled with fresh, cold water. Pea fishing. Like, make it work. These creatures deserve so much love and she is undeserving if she’d rather beg online instead of helping her animals.

As someone with pet rats this is breaking my heart. Rats are very susceptible to heat. Even without AC you can make it work. Get some ceramic tiles, stick them in the freezer for a bit and place them in the cage. Keep the water bottles filled with cold water. Pea fishing. Her rats will die if they stay in temps above 80 long term.

Sometimes I think maybe we need less franchises. More cast switch ups too. Like there’s so many franchises to follow now. A lot of the women stay the same throughout the seasons and between all their social medias and podcasts and articles we just aren’t as invested anymore.

I seem to remember Brandi feeling very differently on Taylor’s story during one of the reunions. It seems now that Brandi’s motto is reality tv bad, now suddenly she supports Taylor’s story and what she went through.

I love how one second it’s “no one can afford anything in Biden’s economy” next it’s I need you to support my “small business” by buying this product that’s $120 dollars or something a month, if you don’t do this then you don’t support “small businesses” and you’re terrible.

What’s going to be hilarious is when each kid reaches 18 and gets free from her, and start posting the same things about her, she’ll cry and whine that they’re adults now and should just be happy she fed and housed them, but then 3 hours later she’ll video herself lip syncing terribly about how Barb doesn’t love her.

Right, right. She’s so stressed and suffering yet she’s constantly stuffing her face. Shes the one consistently baiting him and she’s consistently drinking. Sure Vomitnelle, we believe you.

Leave it to a narcissist to require someone to reach out to be genuine, and not just be satisfied someone wishes you well in an interview or whatever. Newsflash Vomitnelle, no one wants to speak to you. Just be happy they care at all to say anything.

She thinks just because that Ant guy she wants so desperately to be besties with, who is also gay, and frequently is at mar-a-lago, that all magas feel the same way. Meanwhile the orange fungus and all the government members who support him all campaign on bringing back traditional family values, which does not also support gay marriage. Or even gay families being able to adopt or raise children. They think they’re just against transgender people or the gay people who attend parades. It’s truly pathetic and shows just how little they actually pay attention.

I’m guessing this also has to do with her post about Angie and the Christian commenters who told her god didn’t send her because he’s against gay marriage. It’s almost like that’s the typical maga response to gay relationships and she’s so close to getting the point but it continues to fly over her head.

Everytime I see Lienelle with her kids, all I see is older big sister taking them on their first outing together after she gets her drivers license and a car. Thats all she is to them, the older sister.

I think it’s more they expect to be able to talk to and see her more. I don’t think they think she’ll come live with them. They went into this adoption thinking it was going to be one way, then it went completely different. They have a lot of trauma surrounding this, and I don’t think the popularity and what happened with Teen Mom and how it helped them, helps the trauma.

There’s a part of me that thinks they know this is a real possibility. I sometimes wonder if that’s why they make the public posts they do.

His arms and shoulders are doing zero favors for his head. 😩😩 this is just not it.

All this shows me is they have so much unresolved trauma over the adoption and they really have got to get help for it. I mean real help. Get honest. This isn’t healthy for either of them or Carly.

Those muscles are doing his head zero favors 😩😩

Yes, B&T are Carly’s parents. But that doesn’t make turning off the care button for their daughter, whether they gave her up or not that easy. Also, what they thought they were agreeing to adoption wise, to what it has turned out to be for them is massively different. Do I think they should rant publicly? No, but do I understand and empathize their pain and frustration? Absolutely.

I agree, they didn’t know fully. But they did know reality tv at the time of adoption was happening.