I didn’t know this and helps with a lot of context to what everyone is talking, thank you

It’s like you’ve known me my whole life

This is the correct answer, it’s now owned by the church behind the house, Parker Memorial Church

Horrocks should move into the Lansing mall

The republicans have proven a few times now you don’t even need a majority. Trumps right when he says the system is rigged.

Problem is I’m looking for someone to vote for and rally behind, not merely someone to vote against. We are not sending our best.

Whoa this is still a thing?!? I didn’t realize I’ve been playing for 20 years it’s been so long

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" Claims made without proof are just conjecture and gossip.

Geesh to people replying to almost a year old conversation without providing anything new of substance. It’s beautiful outside this evening, I hope you are enjoying it, have a good evening friend.

Is there really nothing going on this weekend??

My kid is pretty dull, can you sharpen her too??

I don’t by for a second that the current state of American politics is this volatile. If you look at the 1960s with all the political assassinations, massive riots and bombings and we didn’t end up in a civil war then. We would have to devolve back into the sort of unrest as the 60s before we even made it to a civil war and I just don’t think the average American cares that much.

The average American knows this is one of the best places to raise a family on the planet. Could it be better, sure but it could be much much worse and I think people know that.

There will always be loud mouths on the fringe for the left and the right in any democracy, but until they start blowing each other up it’s not much to worry about.

They will need to make sure they are spending 3% of GDP on their military or we ain’t coming to save them when Mexico invades them.

Is it just me or are the areas of the country that lean more red and Christian are heavier drinkers?

Oh man I got a good belly laugh from that one, thanks

Does anyone travel TO Indiana during the summer for vacation? I’m here for work or I wouldn’t be otherwise. Vacation season has started and I’m sure the west/north west side of the state is filling up.

I’m traveling in southern Indiana this week and it’s $3.13 here.


So if Biden pardons him then they can point to “The Biden Crime Family” getting away with high crimes.

If he doesn’t pardon him then it’s because he doesn’t care about his family or American families.

No matter what Fox nation will lap it up.

Either way chatGPT is writing the news articles.

Wasn’t the stimulus bigger under Biden? Isn’t that why the republicans blame inflation on Biden was because the stimmies were bigger??

Is that really the list?? Because funding for HSBUs was/is at historic levels since 2021. Unemployment has been the lowest in history and that’s for all demographics AND inflation was caused by Covid/lockdowns/supply chain issues and the US has had the best bounce back of any other country. The US economy is the envy of the world.

None of what you listed was better or would have been better under Trump.

Can I get a list of things Trump actually accomplished for the Black community that Biden hasn’t please.


