Good lord, everything reminds me of her. It's getting ridiculous.

Well, if I had to choose between this and 3 penis wine...

I recently came back and noticed the jank right away. Eventually, you start to get a feel for it again.

Tough question though. I've beaten this game so many times, so I don't want to just cruise through it anymore. If I wanted an easy playthrough I would go greatsword + dark sunset staff for orbs and black hail. Throw in a bow and some poison arrows for parts of the old iron king dlc and shrine of armana.

But to enjoy the game like it's my 2nd playthrough? That's what I'm doing now with great club and dragons tooth with no shield or ranged weapons. Most of the main game still isn't a challenge, but some bosses and the dlc is fun as heck on ng+

Corrupted game data for sure, but it's odd that it kills you instead of crashing the game. Reinstall the game and you should be ok.

I had a sketchy inventory job fresh out of high school. The bus we all took to travel was full, so they had me ride with one of my coworkers. Coming back from the job she entered the interstate ramp backwards at 2am despite me telling her we can't go that way. Stop and put it in reverse. She said, "oh, sorry ok", but she continued on. Now completely on the interstate (very low traffic thank god) I told her to stop and do a u-turn because there wasn't any cars coming. She attempted, but I guess the 5 lanes wasn't wide enough to do it in one attempt, so she abandoned the idea halfway through. She kept driving. There was an exit coming up. I told her to take it, and she agreed. She kept speeding up and drove past it. I'm worried about my life at this point, so I told her to stop and let me out, but she wouldn't. She was too scared I would leave her to fend for herself. Eventually I gave up and jumped on her and slammed on the brake. I put it in park and jumped out the car, ran to her side, opened the door, unfastened her seat belt, pulled her out and put her in the passenger side, and finally jumped in the driver seat and did a u-turn.

When she got done crying, she tried to be a backseat driver. I've never chewed out a girl so hard in my life. She cried until we got back. Never again.

Nah, raw is the best by far. It's decent. Really good if you surprise an invader with it. I normally go for greatsword or curved dragon greatsword in pve.

I wanted to do a bit different on my current character, so I went with pure strength hammers and great hammers. I figured it would be harder, but my god the early fame great club poundtown attack is op!

One of my favorite weapons is the blue flame. Seriously fun to play with if you min/max with a sorcerer.

Ng+ is easier for no bonfire. Just make sure you stock up on repair powders and the sainters spear. Use lifegems early game and use your estus and divine blessings late game. (Or intentionally die next to your last lit bonfire if youre not trying the no death run)

You can light a bonfire so you can homeward bone to it, just don't sit at it. Also, sitting at the primal bonfires to warp to majula doesn't count.

I feel ya. Just did this and started ng+ to do a no bonfire no death run. Nasandra killed me... probably my first time ever dying to her too.

Do NOT join the covenant or champions at majula. Change to the way of the blue at the tower with the depressed knight if you need to change.

Try luring enemies one at a time. This game is pretty unforgivable trying to run past a lot of enemies in the wrong places. Eventually, the enemies will quit respawning if youre not in the covenant of champions.

Avoid the ogres early game. Spend your souls on leveling your character first before you buy much consumables. There's a fire longsword early in the forest of fallen giants that's very strong with an excellent moveset. This can be upgraded at the blacksmith in majula after acquiring the key from the old hag in the forest of fallen giants.

If you're low on human effigies I suggest placing your summon sign before a boss room for coop. This will net you a lot of souls and will make you human for free. Also, the SMALL white summon sign is a bit different. You can kill a boss, stay alive, OR kill a lot of mobs in another players world to become human again.

Most thing that helped me when first starting is that when you see an opening either attack or heal. Not both. Don't put yourself in a position to panic heal. And don't button mash your r1 and r2 attacks. Moderation!

If you've never done NG+ in ds2 I suggest you enjoy it and take your time.

  1. It's not that long if you go for essential bosses only.

Victoria. I've been putting this off because I already know there's a huge learning curve. Paradox games seem to have a theme here.

For CK3 I suggest playing with DLC disabled and create your own character. Make him OP with a bunch of good traits. Matrilineal marry your starting female coutiers with guys with high prowess for your army, and look to see if you need a better marshall or steward than what you start with. Also, women can be good spymasters.

After awhile you'll start understanding how to survive the early game, and the best routes for succession.

For newbies I don't recommend the DLC until you are starting to grow bored of it, and then, only enable one at a time. Depending on where you start the Northmen invasions can be stupid unfair.

Also, check out south India for a peaceful, advanced start.

Recently replaying DSR to DS3 again and I would've agreed that DS2 was a major step up in every category besides the nostalgia factor from DS1, but now I'm starting to second guess it. The lack of mobility seems downgraded from DSR. The rolling and hit boxes are fine with me, but free aiming weapon swings seems to lack control compared to DSR. I know basically everything else is an improvement, but I don't like to lock-on and wait for player character to adjust stance before I donk somebody with a great hammer. Maybe its a skill issue, maybe DSR is more forgiving with frantic button mashing, but still I can't get used to it.

Next go for the slumbering dragoncrest ring, bell keepers set, ring of thorns +2, lingering dragoncrest ring +2, and loyce souls. Hehehe

While pvping I prefer not to heal, because it drags on the fight longer. Also, buying loyds talismans and repair powder isn't really sustainable due to the soul memory summoning system.

With that said, I think we got a bit off track. I asked when did the meta behavior change? It wasn't like this on the bridge during the first 3 years I played it. When ds3 came out? Dsr? Elden ring? Just on PC?

What are you talking about? Your replies aren't relevant. It's equivalent to coming in on a windows forum and telling everybody Linux is better. You may be right, but you're weird bro

Iron keep bridge pvp summons is the fight club spot, no?