Not legally without calling prescriber (Ohio)

If you are in the US and get the meds from a regular human pharmacy make sure they’re using a discount card, it can be hard to find one that works for vets but they exist and can make a huge difference

I was gonna say this, we acquired a Rite Aid and we did transfer out but it was usually several days between it being requested and having the time to actually fax them out

New member!

Even if you’re more dressed up than other guests the bride will probably appreciate that you put effort in to match the dress code. It’s beautiful

You can get pregnant while on birth control that prevents periods -someone who got pregnant with an IUD

It’s also not like you can’t explain to a child that you had an abortion before them. If my mom told me that she had ended a pregnancy that she wasn’t ready for, for any reason, before she had me it would have no impact on my life. It’s just something you have to handle right, like literally anything else. Not that she has to want kids, that’s just a dumb argument about being open about abortion

I had a patient insist they get the reconstituted cream instead of the premade one so they’d know for sure it was made in the US because they’d see us make it. We aren’t making it, we’re mixing the components and it doesn’t matter where they’re made

When I was a kid a pharmacist caught a mistake my doctor made on my asthma medication (they prescribed a nasal spray instead of an inhaler) and I saw how important that role was. I got a BA in biochemistry with the goal of going to pharmacy school, worked as a pharmacy tech through school, took the PCAT, got halfway through the pharmcas application and realized I love being a technician, but I don’t want to be a pharmacist. Stayed a technician and now work in pharmacy one day a week (main job uses biochem degree) purely because I love helping people.

Old ladies get mad horny for the pharmacy boys. I got a male tech and 2 male pharmacists that get constantly hit on. When my husband was an intern the pharmacist used to send him to help grumpy middle aged women cause they loooooved him

There is no opportunity to advance at cvs. The levels are basically technician and lead technician. No raise for CPhT, or being a trainer, immunizer pay is very limited, even the lead tech raise is pretty small. There is no ladder to climb

No such thing as too much, but definitely make sure your partner knows you’re going all out because my husband was surprised I was even planning to wear a dress to our elopement

I didn’t find it too hard but I studied by downloading basically any free study app I could find

I wouldn’t necessarily assume it’s bias or judgement from the pharmacist, they’ll generally want to help but they need to look out for their own license as well. If someone comes in from out of state and they’ve just picked up a prescription from a different chain not through insurance the pharmacist won’t necessarily be able to see that in their controlled substance records if it was out of state. It’s just harder to verify if a prescription is valid and due from out of state. Prescriber/patient from a different geographic region also one of the major red flags everyone’s taught.

It may not be a law but pharmacies and pharmacists can refuse to fill at their discretion. It’s not uncommon to refuse out of state controlled prescriptions. You can call your prescriber and ask them to call the pharmacy and speak to the pharmacist directly to verify the prescription

If it’s just for registration, which is different to certification, ask discount drug mart. The state just requires you finished an employer based training program so it’s up to them. When I took mine through CVS they let us try 3 times but that was when registration started being required

I started having to change for gym at 10, what was I supposed to whip my nips out in the girls locker room?

My Clifton’s are falling apart after about a year but I put some new insoles in and it’s made a huge difference. I also used to put voltaren gel on the bottom of my feet when it hurt to just get out of bed

He is NOT polite. He is a menace that tries to eat off my plate and sits under the only step in our apartment to pounce on unsuspecting feet. I love him so much

It’s Huntington, WV, US. I only know because my husband is from the Portsmouth, OH shown on the map. My English parents think it’s hilarious he talks about his nowhere Portsmouth as THE Portsmouth rather than the one in the UK

On the receipt does it show up as an RX number or something like non-taxable item? They may just be selling you the syringes your prescription is for rather than actually running it through as a prescription and ringing that out

At the stores I’ve worked at the syringes we kept in stock don’t scan at the register. If someone’s buying without a script we just have to manually put in the price. Since the register doesn’t know what it is there’s not a way for it to know it’s FSA eligible

Went to get my IUD replaced 2 years before it was supposed to stop being effective as birth control. Couldn’t get the new one cause I was 4 weeks pregnant. The nurse was surprised when I did get another one when I could. It’s still one of the most effective forms of birth control just nothing is 100%

Best to just call the store and ask or bring a government ID just to be safe. It’s different state to state and store to store