I’ve heard “people experiencing homelessness” used, and despite it being a mouthful to say, I like it better than “homeless people” or unhoused. It keeps the negative connotations of homelessness, but frames it as something they are going through rather than something they are.

Wouldn’t it be better to ride off center so you can follow the tire paths of 4 wheel vehicles? The right tire groove seems like it would give cyclists the most debris-free tarmac and make for safer passing than the center of the lane.

Chikorita was my first starter way back in Silver version so it will always have a special place in my heart.

After I beat the game I immediately started the game over with a Totodile and played through everything including the Kanto content and had a significantly better time.

I just got glasses this year and experienced this for the first time during the heat dome a couple weeks ago. Brutal.

Wow, new memory unlocked. When I was in high school one day I was trying to grab rim on a basketball hoop, slipped after grabbing it, rotated in the air and landed on my back. My lower back took the brunt of the blow, but I don’t think I ever considered until now how close that was to having some grave consequences.

Thank you! I knew that circle k looked familiar but couldn’t place which one it was.

:cle-5: Cavaliers

Yeah, turns out it has to be pretty bad when the league has to make a rule named after you to prevent other franchises from nuking themselves.

What platform are you on? It’s 80% off on Steam right now, in which case I’d say absolutely go for the Ultimate edition.

It actually looks like the standalone DLC was already delisted, so Ultimate edition is the only way to get it now. If you aren’t able to get it on a deep sale, I’m not sure I’d say it’s worth the extra 40 bucks full price.

I’m about as into racing games as someone can get without investing into peripherals like a wheel, but I would say FH4 they hit a great balance to make a solid racer that also appeals very well to players who don’t normally like the genre. The map is great and scenic to just putz around in, the cars are all either manageable or you can find a tune to make them so.

I will say if you’re at all interested, you should move on it soon before it gets delisted. I would also at least get the Fortune Island DLC for the great hillclimb route.

I was heavily considering getting a PS5 this summer, mostly for Souls games and racing games, but after some research it seems the midcycle upgrade to the PS5 is coming this fall/winter, which means I’d have a choice of a better machine or a better price if I wait a little longer. DS1 on the Switch is at least how I can scratch that itch in the meantime.

I do have Elden Ring and Sekiro on PC, but it’s been hard to game in the same place I work all day since starting to work from home. The older I get the more I just want to sit on the couch and play while I lounge.

My problem is I got both DS1 and Sea of Stars on sale for the Switch at the same time and I want to play both of them. My wife thinks Sea of Stars looks nice so that’s what I’ve been defaulting to in the evenings.

DS1 is super impressive though and I can’t wait to have the bandwidth to tackle it fully. I find myself a lot less nervous than Elden Ring going into bosses, despite the longer run backs, I think because the fights feel more readable and manageable. It’s a super well balanced game.

18 year old me is crying tears of joy rn

The two companies that I will always go for are Queen Majesty and Bravado Spice. Torchbearer Sauces try a bunch of different stuff, so there are a ton of options but the consistency isn’t quite as high IMO.

Not Yo Daddy’s is a place local to me that I’ve only just started using but I haven’t been disappointed yet.

I scoured the article because that’s such an absurd percentage. They had only 2000 respondents in an online opt-in survey about pet ownership. Of course your respondents are going to be more likely to be pet owners, no matter how much demographic weighting you do, it isn’t going to be an accurate survey to extrapolate to the entire country.

When I’m playing with a full bag, I keep a Reactor on deck for this exact shot.

Just looking at the trade allowance vs the trade payoff makes me queasy.

This is your answer here. DX Mako3’s are the best disc to work on your form at the cheapest price. There are other discs like Hex, Buzzz, etc in this slot that would work too but none of them are touching the F2 price point.

Where’s the full video? This is metal af.

I haven’t played it but in the vast majority of open world games, all the best bits are part of the main quest line.

As others said, the bad stuff is just what sells no matter the place.

I’ve lived in Ohio nearly my whole life, with the exception of some college years in Kansas and Northern Virginia. In a vacuum, I prefer VA for the mountains and general vibes of the area I was in, but I had a new nephew after I graduated, which outweighed any other benefits of VA. I don’t regret my choice, and there is plenty to love in Ohio.

I’ve settled in Akron, which has plenty to do in town, lots of parks and natural beauty around, with Cleveland and everything that comes with it a short drive away.

The politicians suck, but at least the general population is starting to stand up to them lately.

I gotchu

Marshall Street and OTB are probably the most reliable retailers on this list, and I personally like supporting Six Sided Discs because I appreciate their YouTube content and they’re local-ish to me.

If you feel like you’re done done with the game, that’s fine, but for what it’s worth ER was my first souls game, and it took around 10-12 hours before it actually started clicking for me. Don’t be afraid to use guides to explain game mechanics like leveling up and upgrading weapons, or farming runes to give yourself a level boost.

If you’ve given it a fair shake and don’t want to play anymore, I would second Another Crab’s Treasure. Sounds exactly like what you want.

I don’t disagree, they’ve really fucked themselves by not elevating a single person to be a backup plan for the scenario they’re in now. Harris was just the first person to come to mind.