This or post crochet though that's gonna get tedious.

It is knitting, seed stitch to be precise.

These triggered a core memory for me. Wow. As an adult, I'd love to actually visit backrooms like these. Gain a new perspective on liminality.

I cannot recommend enough Seyhall Crochet. I've made several of their designs and am working on the tunic now. Absolutely amazing stuff!

I'm currently using it to make a tunic. The stitch definition is fantastic for any kind of pattern with details, cables, etc. A tank top maybe?

I'm wondering if a rinse would help cut it down a bit. Might do that, let them air dry then dehydrate from there. Can't hurt to try!

And yeah, if that doesn't work, grinding to a seasoning is an easy solution.

I never considered this but now I want to try with bread and butter ones. Those are my fave!!

Ooh, hi there OP. Uh, could you point me in the direction of your hydroponics build?! I was just discussing such a thing with my spouse and have had great success with my Aerogarden. Next step is to either build a setup or buy a kit. Is yours all DIY or did you start with a kit?

Honestly, and this is gonna sound dumb and petty, send it in to channel 4 or 5. They LOVE to do pieces like this and you might get some real exposure to an issue that's likely not isolated. If he does it every year then his friends also do it.

Vinegar is frequently used as a disinfectant as well. Not in such concentration to the plant but by rinsing out the majority, the rest may kill off any gross shit in the soil. I agree letting it dry out a bit. Some fresh soil and sun and that pretty little thing will be fine!

Also, I'm jealous of that cutie. I need me one.

I just unlocked it but it doesn't seem any busier than GNB. Also, you want busy? Pictomancer. Jesus. So many resources to manage, the new swiftcast is part of the main rotation, timing your paintings. I love it and it reminds me of the original AST. I do hope it stays relatively the same but you know someone's gonna bitch.

Viper seems fun though. I still need to read the tool tips and put it all together but I agree with OP, that euphoria when you finally get the job is just magical. That's how I feel about DNC and SGE and I hope for PCT some day soon.

Dammit! That stupid pledge was just a hex!!!! I knew it!!

Why did this sound like a posh British accent in my head, though?!

It's an interesting concept and I, like another commenter, am shocked it's not FoxRock. The fact that it's Grossmans is pretty significant. The buildings (hopefully) will carry that name and legacy of quality. Also the fact that it's not actually in downtown but just really close is a nice change. There's a little more room to breathe and construction will have to account for a lot of existing businesses. And the giraffe šŸ¦’.

Kinda feel bad for the schmucks that just moved into that new building next to 125 though. Their view is gonna be shot.

It'll be nice to have something else going on in the huuuuuge Star Market lot and might actually force some clean up of it as well. The TJMaxx lot needs a major overhaul to make sense and the additional housing will be helpful-ish.

It's the pricing I'm worried about. They'll be premium, and based on their location, the Burgin Parkway side will have greater appeal due to views of the cityscape/open space. Rents are probably going to be more expensive than people realize and it doesn't sound like Grossmans wants to make "affordable" units.

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

This is systemic enabling. It's SELF checkout. Do it yourself. If you can't do it, go to the registers and wait. More stores need to put limits on items, and drop the hammer if you're too old/stupid/frail to figure out how the process works. I lose my absolute mind when I've planned out my checkout and something doesn't work just right. I hate calling the attendant over!

This is the way. Gives fresh life to these roots and the plant will figure it out. Also, this is pothos. Super easy to grow and can take quite a beating.

$250k?! That's it?? To the mayor who just got as much as a RAISE, fuck you. Stop building parking garages, stop buying property through imminent domain, and focus on the people who already fucking live there.

Mandatory driving tests at renewal would help!! Especially after a specific age. If you have to wait until 16 to get your license, then any time after 50 should be met with the same scrutiny. Every 10 years, you must pass a written and driven test. Period. Incentivize is! Tax it! Either way, let's start restricting people who can't do this test more than once. Who confuse the gas and the break pedal. Who don't understand how right of way or road rules work.

And absolutely treat distracted drivers more harshly than currently. Oi vey.

Yes! The episode immediately after, he is brought in with Tim and he apologizes and explains himself. And then he goes home. He even gave Helen a hug. While I get that he was stressed and under the pressure of the show, he totally redeemed himself in my eyes.

Personal accountability and self awareness. Two dying skills.

We, as a society (local/regional/global), have a hard time accepting certain truths. That mothers or fathers are incorrectly teaching traffic and walking habits to their young is a hard pill to swallow. Every parent thinks they're doing what's best for their kids - but that's the actual problem.

And I'm sure that some of those downvotes are thinking that my comment is some kind of hidden racism or whatever. Because that is the subtext to practically everything nowadays. Drawing a line and sticking up for something somehow translates to bigotry in one form or another. That's myopic and virtue signaling bullshit.

On the contrary. My comment knows no bounds or definition - everyone, even myself, has skirted the rules, bent or broken the law, challenged the rules. That's what humans do. But personal accountability seems to be a dying trait and that's another hard pill.

Do what's best for a society and you build a better society. That's not the abolishing of personal freedoms, nor is it conformity or "communism" (ffs), but it IS progressive thought and action which benefits everyone.