I think the most important pieces here are that she hugged you goodbye, and hasn’t said anything about cancelling your date. She might’ve felt uncomfortable kissing you, but I don’t think you offended her. That being said you should absolutely bring it up at some point.

Communication is everyone’s first step, and if there’s something you would like to know, you can ask her. You don’t have to force it, but you aren’t sure about how she reacted to something you did. That’s okay. Just have a fun third date and try and figure out what’s bugging you so much.

I live on a farm with a pretty large and steep hill. South of that is our pond which is home to many turtles and such. It’s quite a hike for a person to get to the top. However, every year, without fail, a snapping turtle lays its eggs on the very top of the hill. Super far away from the pond. Assuming that you are an expert on turtles because of your comment, do you have any idea why the turtle might do this?!

Bro, there’s a reason Porsche has more wins at the 24 hours of Le Mans than anyone. They make race cars just about better than anyone.

I don’t understand the need to go to every single place. Are you traveling to experience the world, or cross things off a list?

Report: My brother woke me up at 2:00am using his hairdryer. Not cool :(

Tip your resort workers. Not just in Greece, but anywhere.

:Diamond2: Diamond II

Hey gang, let’s look on the bright side. If the item shop and rocket pass suck, you can spend your money on other things that are real 👀

I’m from Wisconsin and I inhale beer milk and cheese

Try to just keep her and whatever she’s thinking out of your head. From what I can tell you’re somewhat new to the realm of dating and romance (not a dig, just an observation), and if you’re anything like me, you can get super wrapped up in what you think a relationship will be like.

The best thing you can do is focus on the other good things in your life. It’s disappointing to miss your chance or lose something you never had, but there is so much more out there. Spend time with the good people in your life. Make friends and experiences. It’s hard, but it gets better. You will get a better perspective and remember that this missed opportunity isn’t so bad.

The smell of backyard campfires. Absolutely undefeated

Go to Taco Bell. I get 1500 calories of food for $12. Now I can’t disagree with you about inflation and corporate greed, that’s objective. But you have to work the menu people

My favorite movie to this day is Hot Rod starring Andy Samberg. I don’t think it gets enough credit for a classic 2000’s comedy. I also can’t believe I just called it a classic comedy.

Okay, obviously that was a big mistake, but maybe lay off the horn a little sooner. I think you got your point across.

I’m not sure the reception this will get but hey. If you are looking for a nice road to cycle on, please make sure it’s a road that is safe for cars and bikes to share. There are backroads a bit outside of town that I take to my farm. It’s a 45mph zone with no shoulder and many blind hills and turns. I absolutely understand how nice that road is, but it is not safe. It’s a backroad so people regularly drive well over the speed limit, and there’s no stopping that. I really do understand the plight of cyclists, but there are some roads that just aren’t safe. Don’t forget your helmets.

Episodes that could be triggering?

So my girlfriend and I started watching Barry. It’s one of my favorite shows and she really enjoyed it through most of season 2.

However, when Barry and Sally started acting out the scenes of her past abuse, it stirred up some things that, to put it lightly, put her in a bad headspace.

As much as I don’t want her to have go through anything like that again, we would both like to finish the show together.

I couldn’t find a list for episodes with trigger warnings anywhere, but if someone knows of one or could put one together, that would be greatly appreciated.

Any scenes that portray domestic abuse are something we want to look out for. Thank you :)

Bookmaker in Madison? (Not a bookie)

Hello all. My dad turned 65 in August of 2023, and as I’ve been thinking more about the future, I’ve been thinking more about something I could do for him in appreciation.

My dad writes short stories about his past and experiences he and people close to him have had, giving him quite an extensive collection over the years.

My cousin mentioned that collecting all of his stories and making them into a book would be a great idea. I’m very much on board, but I don’t know how to go about getting a book made.

If anyone has had a book made for someone before, or knows an artisan in the craft, that would be amazing. I would love to see this dream come true.

Thank you :)

Is it possible to get into Canada with a certain traffic violation?Asking for Advice

As many of you may know, Canada is not very keen on letting you cross the border if you have an OWI. In 2021 I was pulled over, and arrested for operating while under the influence of a controlled substance (marijuana).

I’m assuming the nuances of the arrest will make no difference when I plead my case, as I can’t imagine border patrol agents are very ready to listen to why I’m an exception.

My question is, because it was a non alcohol related offense, will that make any difference to my potential admission into Canada?

Also, if that answer is no, is there any possibility that I could gain special permission by jumping through hoops or asking the right questions to the right people?

I’m not planning anything, but I want to know if Canada is a place I can even consider to travel given my record.

Idk man, I think kids are awful stupid these days and it’s because of their phones

Looking for mental health help
Moderator removed post

Getting back into reading, looking for creative/narrative nonfiction. I haven't read any books for 3 years since i graduated high school, and when I briefly picked up a copy of Jon Krakauer's "Into The Wild" I was immediately hooked. I recently finished it and also just got his other book "Into Thin Air" I love his style of writing and how there are many stories told in one. Recommendations of any other authors of narrative nonfiction or any books that you think I might like are greatly appreciated.

I greatly appreciate your help, thank you

I definitely understand what you’re saying, but I don’t know how to find other people. I guess I should have added, I’m looking for ways to meet new people. I find it very hard to be able to subject myself to a place or position where I can meet new people. Not for lack of confidence but for lack of such situations (that I know about).

Can’t move on (part 2)

On Friday the 19th the person (21F) I (21M) was seeing stopped contact rather abruptly, with little to no explanation. I should mention we were together for a very short while, about a week really.

However in that short week she changed my world. I improved my workout regimens, took my personal hygiene twice as serious, etc. I was happy, I had purpose, I hade hope, life was good.

Now, after 2 weeks since I’ve seen or heard from her, she is still in my head. Just about every other thought I have is about her one way or another, longingly. I can’t stop thinking about how everything could’ve gone differently, as well as just how I made her feel and why she felt she needed to break contact.

(More details in part 1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/comments/13o9uxh/short_but_great_relationship_ended_abruptly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)

Yesterday I sent what I believe to be a well-worded, non-intrusive text asking if she could explain a little further in the hopes of getting some closure, but if there is no response or if hers fails to bring me peace I don’t really know what I will do.

I live and work on my family farm 30 minutes from Madison Wi, the nearest city, with no other employees besides my father, and damn it gets lonely. I get through my days easily enough, but she’s right in the back of my head the whole time.

I don’t have any regular contact with people besides my main friend group and I guess I’m asking not only how to move on and move forward, but even just meeting people. I use dating apps, but I’m too far from town to get any consistency. Life is hard, and it feels like I’m just a couple inches away from reaching the fruit of happiness, but I’m stagnant at my current rate.

Not only do I miss her and long to be back with her, but just the thought of her makes any other candidate for love seem second-class. I’ve never been with someone so special, and my lenses are so fogged, it’s hard to believe anybody else is.

This is a long read, but if anyone takes the time to take everything in and maybe help me figure out what I need and need to do, I will be incredibly grateful, thank you.

Can't Move On. Written 5/23/23

Where did I go wrong? What did you leave unsaid? I wish I could hear you say everything you couldn’t. Now here I am. Wandering through my days. Running miles from my feelings and inevitably returning home. You made everything okay. You made everything perfect all the time. I can count the days I knew you on two hands, but maybe that’s why it hurts so bad. You didn’t give me a chance to be mad at you. God, I wish you did.

I don’t know what I wouldn’t give to go back in time. You made the sun rise. And now I’m here in my room, writing everything I can’t say. Even though you’re gone I can’t help but do everything for you. I started drawing, running, and working out. I still don’t know why. I think I’m hoping that you’ll text me before I figure out what I’m looking for. Because I know it’s you. Every word you said, every breath you took, I fell farther for you. But you’re gone, and it’s my fault.

I can’t believe how fast you came and went. Just enough time for me to start waking up everyday just for you. And now I’m back in the hole. I can’t tell if I’m going in circles or spiraling down. But it wouldn’t matter if you could just grab my hand. Just saying your name hurts. I don’t know how you got in my heart so fast, but I want nothing more than for you to be here. Everything was in such a bright and hopeful light. Now I draw my blinds and hope to find someone like you.

I had no clue how big of a part you would play in just one scene, but the curtain’s calling and I’m sat stunned, wondering what happened. Maybe I’d just chase you away with all my words for you. But if I could just hear what you have to say my ears would sing. Even just to hear you say how much I hurt you. I can’t stand not seeing your name pop up on my phone all day. I just want to talk to you. Hear your voice. No matter how far we went I will always miss holding your hand and looking in your eyes beyond anything else. I wish just for one second you did something that bothered me. But everything about you was perfect.

Every second I spent with you or even just thinking about you was perfect.