I grew up with an allowance and my parents always told me to bring money when i go with my friends. It doesnt seem that odd to think about the parents having food plan ready imo. I think this was one of those over the top situations. I mean... 3 dollars for bathroom lol.

Itd the employees job. Not the customers. How about cart narc stop harassing people over something thats not his problem. Especially over carts. Its childish. And you are a childish ass hole for trying to justify it.

But where does it say its a rule to put it back. And then why does not putting it back warrent harrassment. How does damaging people vehicles recording them and physically engaging these people seem like a justified action? In what world does that seem okay to touch someone and their vehicle? Thats harrassment and to the extreme over a shopping cart. The logic is childish.

Imo pvp atm feels like playing neutral and poking. Who ever gets stunned first gets 1 combo'd to death.

Im sure there is more to it but its never fun feeling like you died to one stun out of the whole fight.

Telling people to not harrass others is pretty reasonable. But hey you cant make any point so yeah youre being childish.

So your logic is that you will much rather try to attack the person arguing rather than debate the arguement. Sounds like the typical childish behavoir.

Just dont harrass people. Its that simple.

Harassing people is childish. You justifying it shows how childish you are.

So because someone did something you didnt like thats not his responsibility. Harrassing him is the go to. Sounds like a childish mentality.

I dont know if this should be nsfw or not.

How about being a decent human being and not being so pety that youhave to harrass someone for doing something you didnt like.

You eat at a restaurant and have dirty dishes. Are you going to put them away? No? Because thats not your job. Same thing applies to the carts.

Be a grown up. Dont harrass people like some child.

Cart narc is a dick. Harrassing people for not putting their cart away is a childish way to justify yourself. Just leave people alone.

Getting tagged has always been in the game. What you mean is teleporting backwards after getting tagged is the issue.

The masculine urge to do reckless things.

The amount of wild life would still be obstructed and agriculture death would still be the same result.

Providing statistics on things that arnt related to my topic doesnt disprove anything ive said. When you work on a farm you know how land has to be maintained.

A cow and you raise for a year can feed multiple people for a few months at a significantly smaller cost then wiping hundreds of acres of land. Thats the arguement here.

Youre missing the part where land used for animals spand to acres over time. A cow will consume a few square meter every hour. Overtime for 12 cows thats a week to consume 3-4 acres on average compared to crops grown from human consumption can range in the a couple hundred acres to mass produce and deny wild life from thousands more miles any food or produce due to basic farming methods

Youre ignoring how logistics work. Less then an acre of land can product millions of crops to feed billions of animals for trillions of people overtime

Producing mass crops from hundreds of acres will kill off thousands of animals to feed those same amount of people with more loss in the process vegitation is not something that can be sustained year around without wasting more.

The idea is how much resources is used and how much output is produced.

You lose more from the environment just to produce and send crops then you do maintaining a meat factory.

The same animals you think need animal feed sustain them selves off the land. This doesnt effect habitate nearly as much as wiping hundreds of acres of land. Not sure how thats hard to understand. Animal feed is used in mass production faucilities compared to farms which require minimal care for the animals living there. 100 chickens can feed off the eggs they produce or the environment that had a large number of bugs and vegitation. And cows can eat off the land and self sustain from a few acres.

Its no different from a farmer mass producing vegitation and destroying the environment to produce it.

You sir need to do your research.

Veganism is just a blind activist movement that ignores the logisitics of its own cause.

Producing vegitation means denying access to land which is food and resources for wild life. Typically farming involves killing off wild life in order to preserve that same land. On a large scale. Its just how it works when you work with hundreds of acres of land.

Its no different from purging the land to produce crops lol. You remove an area of wild life to create a controlled environment that wild animals no longer have access to. Using pesticides to kill off and deny anything in thay area. Its basicall the same thing as killing animals in a controlled environment.