Yesterday, my friends and I were chilling in Arsha Olun (~750 Gear Score, casual PvE players), when another party showed up. Initially, it was enjoyable and chaotic facing off for the spot, until they disappeared for a minute and returned as berserkers. Quickly, the fun turned to frustration as it seemed there was little we could do against them. They kept spamming the same skills and grabbing us whenever possible.

I understand our gear wasn't optimal (we had PvE buffs, addons, crystals, lightstones, while they swapped to what I assume are tagged alts for PvP), but it was disheartening how invincible they felt, killing us in what seemed like mindless ways. With 316 AP and 433 DP, I'm almost at the hard cap, so I expected to at least do some damage or have a fighting chance.

This post is mostly a rant and partly wondering if PvP can actually be fun. I can't see myself enjoying rolling my face on the keyboard with a brain-dead class when cornered, or being on the receiving end of that. It might be a skill issue on my part, which is why I'm reaching out to those with more knowledge on the topic.

(Edit: Cleaning up some grammar issues)