Right?! If I were her and my husband said I wasn't allowed to go somewhere he was taking my child for DAYS I would call the cops and consider it kidnapping so I need OP to clarify what exactly her husband meant by "not allowed." Like if this was said casually and thoughtlessly or if he intends to actually keep her from their child.

I'm sure I'll be downvoted bc it sounds overall like their family dynamic is healthy but there is no good reason to insist on OP not coming if she's able to get the time off. I would NEVER do this to my husband.

Exactly. This happened to me twice, once in my late teens and once at OP'S age. Only in my late 20s did I realize what actually happened and that I was a victim in these "relationships." I thought I was SOOOO mature too but no, that wasn't reality. Low hanging fruit is what they see when they say that. Not maturity.

Seriously, if only he was as good at disciplining his daughter as he is his wife. What a joke, I'm glad she's finally getting some peace

I'm really glad I moved out when I did and experienced living independently. It's one of those things that I think everyone should get to experience because it really does teach you SO much. I assume that's where he's coming from.

That being said, I lived alone in a pre-2020 economy and if I were just moving out now could never hack it and still comfortably work toward buying a house. My husband lived with his parents through school (until we got married) and I know someone who lived with her parents until she got married at 28. It happens, and there are good reasons for it. Our kids are welcome to live with us as long as they need to to get on their feet too, but ours are very young so who knows what the state of the economy will be then.

Husband and I have also decided that if any of our parents need live in help when they age that's within the scope that we can reasonably do, they're welcome to move in, assuming they help with resources. Multi generational family living arrangements can be really beneficial and are common outside the U.S.

Oh that's good, I'm glad that's been your experience! I was speaking more from friends/family's experiences actually. Never heard of anyone getting the higher end of value, in fact one person had to go through this whole process of providing proof of market value and only then did they get a fair check. I have usaa and they've been great though.

I hear ya. Most insurance won't actually cut you a check large enough for a truly comparable jeep though, especially one this new. You have to fight for it so that route comes with its own issues too.

Everyone else has given good advice but I just want to add one thing I haven't seen yet.

While youre working through this situation, don't let it steal your peace! You are mom, you are in control, you have final say... even if it takes you a few tries to find your footing or become comfortable setting boundaries (or it takes your husband some time). It's okay if that's a process, it's all new territory. Don't stress if you face some push back.

It's so easy in situations like this to feel like it's becoming out of our control, especially if we feel outnumbered. But no amount of people can outnumber mom and as unpleasant as it is to navigate situations like this, in the end YOUR wishes are the ones that must be respected in order to be around your child.

My scan predicted a "big baby." She was 6lb 13oz at birth, 40w+1. I don't know why medical staff continue to take these scans seriously.

I think unless you wean you're just gonna have to power through the screaming and let him be upset about the boundary. He should get used to it when consistently enforced, especially since he's been doing it 10 days, not 10 months. Have you seen those nursing necklaces? Might give him something else to play with and distract him from what he can't have.

Sorry you're going through this. Nursing while pregnant is so freaking hard.

Yep, but it's not automatically totaled. Jeeps retain their market value really well. My airbags went off and it was not totaled.

Keep downvoting facts guys 🤡

I wish I had something of value to offer on this, but just here to say I love the cats 🥰

I can't imagine this would be totaled unless there's significant frame damage. Something similar just happened with my 2018 and it was an awful wait to find out. Hoping for the best for you!

I floss first for the reasons others have already mentioned. However, my dentist said as long as you floss once per day, it doesn't matter when. Could be 3pm or right before you brush. 🤷‍♀️

This is generally only possible though when the grandparents can prove that NOT having visitation would have a significant or traumatic effect on the child due to their having a deep involvement in raising them prior. It also assumes both parents are unfit. Very difficult to get visitation rights as a grandparent without both of these criteria being met. At least that's how it is in my state.

Just commenting this for anyone who might be alarmed that grandparents rights are a thing, lol.

I'm sooo getting downvoted but if my kid was doing this I would warn them that if they push anyone, we have to leave. Inevitably they'll do it again, then we'd leave. Usually it only takes leaving a few times for them to see you're serious and that pushing others = no playground privileges.

FWIW I try not to react strongly to bad behavior. Toddlers love reactions. I find that the more nonchalant and matter of factly I speak to my toddler and implement the consequence, the more seriously she takes me.

Our library has 3 different kinds of library cards you can get for your child.

Card A allows them to check out anything, Card B restricts only select titles chosen by the parent, and Card C restricts books with sexual content

So yes librarians can definitely do this where I am, but she really didn't handle that with any tact or grace 🙄

Yes, hormones have def changed my skin too! I truly miss the oily skin I had in my early 20s that made everyone think I was sweaty, now I gotta work for the glow 😂

I love Paula's Choice BHA toner, it's my all time fave. For AHA I love the pixi glow tonic. I haven't tried many others in a long time because my skin is more sensitive now and I have to use gentle extoliants or I get rosacea :(

Me too!! I can't find anything similar anywhere though ☹️

My skin doesn't really freak out anymore since around my mid 20s. It does however get dull and dry at times, and that's when I go all out.

Double cleanse AHA or BHA toner Essence Moisturizing sheet mask Serum of choice Eye cream Moisturizer Slugging with Vaseline or aquaphor

Some of it for me is for the ritual, ngl. I would say the most essential components are the chemical exfoliation, the sheet mask, and the slugging.