i’m so sorry❤️ i was absolutely terrified the the night before and the morning of. i was crying the whole appointment including being wheeled into the surgical room. i was so scared. but after it was over i felt such relief

ya I switched him to a raw, moisture rich diet and hes doing very well now

I think he was itchy in that spot and over grooming it, I did catch him licking it after I made this post. it’s completely gone now I have no idea what happened. I’ve since switched him to raw (because he had diarrhea) but I don’t know if the spot disappearing was related to that.

nothing wrong with taking a few walking/chill days but still going if you want to have it as a part of your routine :)

may I ask which condition your baby had? i’m so sorry for your loss 💔

sending you and your baby positive thoughts and wishes 💕

US only :((( cries in canadian

to my baby

i’m sorry i couldn’t protect you. i wish i could have made everything better for you, i would have done anything to help you and make you okay.

i was your mom for only a short time but in that time i did everything i could to keep you safe and healthy. if i got to continue on being your mom i would have made sure you lived the happiest life and you would always be safe with me and your dad. i would do anything to take your pain away, keep you healthy, and you would always know you’re loved and safe. i was so excited to meet you and be your mom. no one will ever understand the love you filled my heart with for that short amount of time, and the depth of the void now that you’re gone.

i wish i could see who you would have turned out to be. we would have spent summers together playing and exploring in the forest. cuddles with the kitties and christmas. learning how to ride a bike. vacations and parks and reading and movies. i so badly wanted you to be okay and i prayed everyday that you would be. maybe in some other universe i got to be your mom and we get to be together.

I feel the same. TFMR 2 weeks ago today and it’s so painful. it feels primal, I can’t reason my way out of it.

yes I do think she would do that, and she does have a key.

okay thank you. I didn’t know if she counted as an occupant because she will be staying for 2 weeks and will have a key.

thank you so much for your reply.

what do you mean by "If the sitter doesn't leave the law is mostly on the landlord's side"?

also, the landlord never agreed to having sitters although she was aware of our travel plans and our cats.

BC Tenant: Pet Sitter Staying in Rental Unit:22px-Flag_of_British_Col:British Columbia

My partner and I are in a short-term (3.5 month) furnished rental. We have two cats.

Before signing the tenancy agreement, we notified our landlord that we would be leaving for 2 weeks for a vacation during our tenancy. We did not discuss any pet sitters at this time.

Last week, I notified our landlord that we will be having a friend stay to watch our cats while we are gone. I read the RTB rules and it seems like I don't need to notify her about guests, however, she has a habit of texting us to let us know she will be "dropping by" to pick up miscellaneous items (about once a week she wants to pick up an item that she has left here i.e paperwork, thermos, fish tank). For this reason, I wanted to let her know we would be gone and since our cat sitter works at a coffee shop, she will not be home during the day to have the landlord come pick up her items.

The landlord replied freaking out (via voicenote... all of her communication is via voicenote), saying that she will not allow someone to stay in the unit. I replied saying we need someone to cat sit. She said she will allow a friend of HERS, or my parents (???) to stay. I replied saying we have already planned for our friend to say. She replied to that saying she will need to meet her in person and interview her. I haven't replied to that yet.

From my understanding of the RTB rules, we are allowed guests for a reasonable amount of time so long as they do not become an occupant. Technically our cat sitter will become an occupant for 2 weeks. What are the rules here?

Here is where I read the rules: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/during-a-tenancy/guests-tenancy

Thank you in advance.

i’m so sorry :( we got the extended nipt with the microdeletions, otherwise we would have been in the same boat. tfmr’d at 18 weeks.

I had mine last tuesday and I went back to work the following monday, but I work from home in a software position so it’s a good distraction. If I worked with babies it would probably be a different story.

i’m seeing molecules dude @_@

he’s 1% african remember

hey! it was due to over exercising and under eating for me.

r/TFMR is an amazing place for support. I just had a d&e at 18w two days ago so I feel your pain. i’m so sorry

could you add some of the points you took away here if you have time? :)