
Did you forget last year?

To be honest I missed all practice sessions and never checked the news so i was not surprised him being P1 lol. Again they have faced issues in practice before but they always resolve it by qualifying or racing.

Try Pingplotter or some app for the phone and see if time increases suddenly. That's the only thing I can think of and I am sure other apps reliant on ping times will also have issues.

They have upgraded to 500/20 min speed is not the case everywhere? I hate that that's the only operator available, land of the free

Waldo is scared of this guy ^

iPhone 15 Pro Max

Mine showed up in a month.

You are using their router? Do you know the model number and do they allow to access router management portal?

Why won't Spectrum let you Port forward? Cloudflare tunnel?

I didn't go in that much detail but it had more to do with the Truecharts app using PVC. Any idea about host path truechart apps?

I ll probably will have to go through in details

Fenix 7

The recommendations it gives are pretty canned and does not utilize your vitals like sleep/body battery etc if I remember correctly. You can find those basic recommendations online for jet lag.

I guess that's because they never came onboard. With apple i doubt they gonna remove it from apple wallet. I hope eu brings rule for banks to comply and not close their cards for their own apps.

See if you can run iperf test? Not sure about mac but iphone has cloud relay turned on which slows down connection. So best way to test will be local using iperf server or other devices besides apple. I have u6-lite avg speed 6-10 feet no obstruction is ~500-600 max i have seen ~700 mbps


Hamilton never won all the races or never felt the way it feels now.
Nothing is as dominant as 23-24 redbull/verstappen. Wtf are you smoking?

I was talking about DoH. For privacy from isp vpn is the only way

iPhone 15 Pro Max

Money is always a factor. But main reason is the camera, battery and compared to 12 didn't see an improvement. Camera i am sure ppl will say a lot but for my use case was not great. Lot of the pics are hazy out of focus etc