Ngl I wouldn’t be surprised if she encourages the silence (for personal and/or “practical” reasons), or even justifies his perspective in private. They’ve both given me bad vibes in recent years. Couldn’t put my finger on it why, but now…interesting

Edit: have now read up on the Colby stuff and my above speculations are further cemented

There are more than people think! A good number of, if not most, mainline Protestant denominations welcome this viewpoint in the US and teach it. Tempted to say a majority, but I’m biased. Often comes down to individual pastors, though. And even then it will vary heavily by individual members regardless of their pastors or denominations. For example the United Methodist church I grew up in (somewhat conservative at the time) in rural-suburban southern Virginia taught us this way and was the predominant orientation among members.

I attended an ELCA church (Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America, main Lutheran org, quite progressive) in the south for a few years recently. The pastor there, from the main reputable Lutheran seminary, would endorse all of the above replies. As do the other ELCA pastors in the area that I have worked with. And these views were shared by the seminary itself.

I’d say it really comes down to how formally academic/scholarly the credentials of the denominations and their seminaries are. Lutheran seminaries/ELCA are very grounded in academic theology, historical context, etc. Exceptionally scholarly and nuanced. This approach and perspective is an outgrowth of “theological liberalism,” so a search on that may tell you more. Evangelical institutions are often, unsurprisingly, not too concerned with scholarship or academic grounding, and focus only on ideology and “tradition.”

(Sorry for the length)

The Mick simply because of how it ends while knowing there’s no 3rd season. They’d grown together so quickly! How could they do this to us!?

Ditto. People fixate on the ending so much. I think it was perfect. Maybe not what people wanted, but definitely what the story and characters needed. Wouldn’t want any other ending. Hot take I guess lol

The Nun II, the magazine stand! Don’t know that the chills were from being frightened, but more so admiring the concept and execution.

Would You Rather, if we’re being charitable, philanthropy is a necessary outgrowth of capitalism and the scarcity it creates, resulting power dynamics, a whole bunch of overlooked dark sides

I believe many are often of those ancestries/ethnicities and are reclaiming the culture that was taken (largely violently suppressed and destroyed) by Christianity in those regions.

Edit: had to come back to note the striking irony in this question, I just couldn’t get it out of my head lol

And they really left us with the most emotional out of character cliffhanger like you can’t NOT give us a follow up on that

Best: The Ring! And Evil Dead. My comfort horror movies.

The Worst: No opinions really, maybe The Omen

I loved the marketing revolving around Ash Wednesday/Lent and then release on Good Friday/Easter weekend! Was a nice touch. (Just sucked that COVID kind of messed that up). Def a special favorite of mine.

literally threw it in a bonfire bc I wasn’t comfortable giving it to someone or donating it 😭

🗣️🗣️🗣️ the straight women fans/author fetishizing gay men and using them as dolls for their entertainment, my god I’ll never skip an opportunity to rant about this lol

Indeed (but also this post refers to mental illness)

They seem to believe only republicans create and fall for propaganda when in fact the other side does the exact same thing and is just as gullible lol a fatal belief in exceptionalism that creates the delusion that’s stuck us in this mess

Inositol may be of interest to you! It has benefits related to insulin, and quite notable benefits for depression, anxiety/panic disorder, and OCD. And is very well tolerated. So you may find it helpful for more than just the insulin/weight loss. Worth looking into.

Everyone should. (I’m sure we could come up with some very obvious, extreme exceptions only because of ethical gray areas). The big thing for me is— if someone really wants to die, they’ll find a way. Why not provide a way for a peaceful death that avoids trauma for the individual and those they know and who would probably discover some gruesome scene?

Many other reasons, but there’s a big HARM REDUCTION angle to it for me.

She clearly has ZERO connection to the identities she is playing with while attempting to develop characters, which is why they never develop in any believable way. Flat all around. Misery and trauma is not depth.

I always found her fascination with using gay men’s suffering, and in this case a disabled gay man’s suffering, for (garbage) storytelling to be so icky especially adding her interviews on top of it. Given I relate to the gay, disabled, CSA survivor identities and saw myself in the surface details of Jude, I felt so disgusted by her regressive and nowhere-near realistic portrayals of these experiences. Those who love the book but don’t belong to these identities seem to just overlook and ignore those of us who try to call out this harm, but I wouldn’t expect anyone who thinks it’s a literary masterpiece to have basic sense anyway lol

You keep skipping over the CRITICAL detail that she is writing identities in intense situations that she has absolutely no first person connection to, which creates flat and unbelievable characters. She tacks on the gay identity just for the fun of playing with gay men like dolls. She writes a disabled main character to again just play with the identity as she pleases without any informed development of that identity. Idk why you fight so hard for this piece of trash tbh I’m a gay, disabled man who is a survivor of CSA, there is hardly anything real or deep about the story she created. Just insulting and regressive.

Saw that lol. I didn’t know how to word it so I stopped at pity, but you’ve stated it exactly, that he wants permission. It’s pretty pathetic. Usually more compassionate, but he’s pretty cruel regarding the child he created and how he views other human beings in general, which is concerning. So, eh oh well. I just feel for the kid. Prob for the best that Dad’s out of his life.

This is a great example of a narcissist bred by narcissists, sadly. “My parents were shit so I get to be shit! Me, me, me! Fuck that kid (that I created against their will)! It’s about what I want!” That’s an apparent theme. Hope things get better but dear god…

(the fact you need a “consolation” for not being an awful parent like your own, other than that in and of itself, just further supports it too)

Constant contradictions. The attention-seeking language (suicidal-coded while not actually as he clarifies elsewhere). Speaking about HIS child as an inconsequential burden. Everything and everyone being wrong or against him. Once-in-a-millennium uniqueness. Narcissism™️ and suffering deeply due to it, sadly.