Hi community.

I recently figured out my main issue for weight loss (after battling for 3 years with insane amounts of control tests of different kcal deficits and eating habits) which is insulin resistance.

Next to eating low-carb, i wanted to try and help my body by using supps. So i got Bio-Chromium and Berberine.

Here's the problem: Berberine makes me extremely anxious and even gave me my first anxiety attack within two days of taking it. I know it's Berberine, because i stopped taking it for 1.5 weeks, then took it again and same shit happened.

Now here's the cruel part ( for me at least): It worked... insanely well for weight loss. I dropped loads of weight in a short time (i am aware of water weight), so to finally find something that helps after 3 years, but the tradeoff is a literal anxiety attack, doom thoughts that lasts for 3+ days.... damn.

Chromium (100ug) seemed to do nothing for me during this time (also control tested).

My question is: Is there an alternative to Berberine? Or maybe i am taking too little Chromium? (100ug)

Context: I took only 500mg daily + i take this daily for my ADD and chronic pain: kratom 4g, Dexamphetamine 20mg (i am aware that these can be contributing factors to Berberine, but unfortunately are both neccesary to function)

Thanks in advance for your time.