None of this helps the corporations, though. They'd be better served with more straightforward hiring.

What he's describing is the same sort of nepotism you see in small businesses, but blown up to Fortune 500 proportions.

It would raise questions. Why, being the most important one.

Does she have trauma or religious based hangups about sex? Does she have a sex drive at all? I'd be worried that the relationship would be or would quickly become sexless.

If she demonstrated that she had a healthy attitude toward sex and a normal libido, but hadn't slept with anyone due to circumstance, it would be fine.

I'm the opposite. When I was younger, I got all worked up about subtlety and artistic merit. I was a total snob who found fault in nearly everything.

Nowadays, I just want entertainment. If I want to think, I read a book.

Exactly. Everyone is talking about the possible medical causes. But COVID doesn't make you ice out your partner and call them immature when they get fed up.

He's bad at addressing problems in the relationship. No medical issue caused that.

It's usually said to guys who can't get dates in their 20s because they aren't very physically attractive. Often it stings because those guys want to be dating but are constantly getting rejected.

So, a lot of guys hear it as "You aren't hot enough for fun, youthful adventures, but you'll be great when it's time to be boring and responsible."

You're young, so the older guys might tease you a little but you'll get a lot of leeway.

Two surefire ways to get older guys on your side:

  1. Take feedback well. If someone tells you how to do something, pay attention and just say, "Ok." Even if they say it a little rudely. Don't get defensive or argumentative. If you suspect the older guy's advice is bad, run it past another older guy later to double check it.

  2. Look for work. Don't just stand around waiting for someone to tell you what to do. If you don't have a task, look around and find something that needs doing and go do it. If you pick the wrong task, or do something at the wrong time, someone will correct you. It's better to be thought of as overeager and inexperienced than lazy.

If you develop a reputation as being helpful and easy to teach, you'll be everyone's favorite soon.

She told him the foot rub was her "real" gift and that he never did anything she wanted. How is that not dismissive?

If my wife planned two parties for me, one catered, and I told her that didn't count and she had to give me a back rub too - after she was up all night working - are you saying I wouldn't be a jerk? Because that sounds 100% jerk to me.

He did all the logistics - the planning, scheduling, and managing a guest list and invites. What labor did she do? Say "I want a birthday lunch and dinner"?

She also dismissed his work and ignored the fact that he was exhausted.

She did none of the labor, dismissed all of his efforts as not her "real" gift, and ignored the fact that he was exhausted.

Where I live, everyone forgot how to salt food.

Seriously, how is it possible to bite into a chicken and hot pepper sandwich and it taste like... nothing at all?

I grew to hate the daughter and just stopped watching. The character just became cartoonishly selfish.

None of the women I know who are overly indirect communicators worry the slightest bit about coming across as bossy.

Since PA restaurants are the blandest I've ever been to, I'll say, "Restaurants that properly salt their food."

I had a serious hatred of onions as a kid. Like, I'd refuse to eat anything if I suspected there might be onions in it.

As an adult, it became a hassle. If friends cooked for me, I had to quiz them about onions. If I was at a restaurant and ordering something new, I had to ask the waiter about onions. I felt like a whiny kid.

Eventually, I decided I had to overcome it. I found a few things I liked despite the presence of onions - like salsa - and ate those things regularly to get over the mental block

When I could eat salsa without stressing over the onions, I expanded my pallette. I found I could tolerate stir fried onions or minced onions in pasta sauce.

Finally, I started cooking with them. I got to control how much was in my food, so I started with a small portion and added over time.

Nowadays, I still don't enjoy raw onions but can eat them if I feel the need. I don't mind cooked onions at all, and I genuinely like pickled or caramelized onions.

I wanted a daughter. Nope, one son and another on the way. I admit I was disappointed both times when I found out.

I got over it. My son is awesome and I'm sure #2 will be, too

I saw a girl's reduction scars in college. I thought they looked kind of cool.

The older I get, the less I care about little details and the more I care about "Is she a kind, loving person who thinks of others?"

I don't think men know the ins and outs of makeup. All we know is that women who look natural are more attractive than women who look unnatural.

Makeup can be used subtly and skillfully to enhance your features and you'll still look natural to us. We tend not to like heavy makeup looks, though.

This directly conflicts with the mostly-true idea that heavy makeup looks better on camera. There's a tension there, for sure.

I've gained and lost weight a few times in my life. My lessons:

Track your calories for a little while. Try to find high-impact changes you could make for easy wins. Switching regular soda for diet or whole milk for skim, change your go-to snack food to something less calorie dense, that kind of thing. Find 2 or 3 changes you wouldn't mind making, and make them. You can cut hundreds of calories per week from your diet this way. You probably don't need tracking for this, but it gives you a lot of good info.

Walking is great exercise for weight loss. I've done running, too, and lost a lot of weight that way, but walking is far superior for me from an effort/results standpoint.

Sleep is vital. No matter how well I've done with diet and exercise, the scale just never seems to budge unless I've been sleeping well.

I have a routine, almost like an algorithm. I weigh myself regularly, and when the weight starts to creep up higher than I'd like, I go into "weight loss mode" -- drastically cut down ice cream and alcohol, snack less, go for more walks, and go to bed earlier. I'll lose a pound of two per week that way. When I've lost enough, I turn weight loss mode off and go back to normal until it's needed again.

I didn't like Torghast. It just felt like a trash clear to me, and the bosses had like 2 mechanics. The powers (on rogue, at least) didn't add much.

I had my first at 39 and my second is due while I'm 41.

Having kids late is a mixed bag. One the one hand, I have less energy. A toddler is exhausting. The only comparable kind of tired I've ever felt was "Long hike with a heavy backpack."

On the other hand, I'm way more patient now, and I don't take myself too seriously anymore. I can relax and just be goofy with my son, and I don't get upset when he's being fussy.

I guess I'm in the minority here. I agree with most commenters that you could break up over this, but I would caution against it.

What she did was dumb and casts some doubt on how caring or thoughtful she is. And she also is acting like she recognizes her mistake and feels genuine guilt and remorse. Maybe she'll grow from this.

Instead of breaking up, I suggest you tell her that you feel hurt by what she did and want some time apart to cool off and figure things out. Do you really want to break up or are you just mad right now? Could she ever convince you that she'll never dismiss or ignore you again? If so, could you forgive her? Figure out your answers when you've had some space.