In nandos book he said he regret mistreated Roy and talk about the beating. But Roy has not said at least on interviews anything about that moment between Nando & Roy.

He is my favorite of all of them, he was comfortably numb.


Numas parents give one and only interview,  9 years after !!! Of course most of the dead boys families didn't approve the use of their sons names. Theres a interview of Daniel Fernández where he said the writer told them Disney requested a more fiction movie script, the Strauch cousins had a relative whom was related to the Uruguayan president,  and at what Daniel said disney wanted that part mention on the movie alive , some form of them being the villains of the story. He said when they were at the hotel they were angry with the movie scrip writer because it was not what they were told it was going to be. Javier Methol was there in the room and stop the Strauch cousins because they wanted to throw the writer through the hotel window .

I don't think so. You were clear with her about not wanting a disabled baby. I don't think she realizes having a child with your family history is a risk for you both. I think some women don't respect the desire of their partner and just go ahead and decide on their own. And that is wrong.

When I was like 8 , I ask my aunt why a butterfly was on top of another butterfly, she just said " do you homework"

I finished reading this book and yes it is a 10. But if you have a sensitive stomach definetly don't read it.

In the books said some of the guys were going to 🎿 so some of the suitcases were full of winter clothes, nando parrado moms carry a sewing kit in her suitcase thats how they sew up stuff together including the sleeping bag

Canessa book has the point of view if his dad, pilots who took his dad, Roy Harley and Coco nicolich on flights looking for the boys. His patients view on him as a doctor. And ALIVE book has all about the fights, who was the means, who came out as a leader, who was the most dirty , details about the time they spend on the fuselage.


No, I don't have a relationship with my mother. I'm an unwanted child; my grandparents basically forced my parents to marry because they are conservative and didn't want a single mother in the family. And she has always resented me because, according to her, I destroyed her life. The day I was R4P3, she didn't pick me up from school because she fell asleep. So I walked home on my own. I woke her up; I was shaking, and I told her everything he did to me. She said I was lying because "I stayed to play with friends after school."  I don't hate her, but I don't love her either. Both my parents were young and immature, and they didn't love each other. My father left us when I was only 5. And my abuser died 10 years after my attack; I don't know about other victims. i left home at 15 and in 2011 my little sister call me then put her on the phone, she was enraged because " I'm a bad daughter" " I left home, so i'm dead to her".

In my case, it was a friend of my father; he came from behind, picked me up, and took me to an empty house. I didn't go with him willingly. Then, 20 years later, when I talked about it, one of my cousins called me immature and defended my mother. We live in a crazy world where victims get blamed. 

When I told my mom about me being SA when I was walking home. And she call me a liar. I was only 6-7 years old.

Posted on tiktok and in a minute someone is going to recognize him

I started at 16, I come from a unstable home, growing without love because I was an unwanted child, I left home at 15. But this post seems like a OF advertising

Anyone who ask you to pay outside offerup is a scam. And the word " kindly" is used mostly by call center people in India.

More like a convention of street walker's, sex workers and day hookers

My name in official documents spells a very vulgar word. Ana + L. = anal

Where did I write that I see this guy as a potential love interest? Not everyone thinks about that; I just get confused because he writes me a message every day, "Hello, how are you today?" I don't know why; I haven't lived in Germany, and I have no knowledge about German people and culture.