What's This Plant

r/whatsthisplantβ€’1.2M subscribersβ€’46 active
Rules Update August 2023 - Please Read

In light of the recent 3rd party app drama and the loss of decent mod tools, we've decided to ease the rules a bit to make moderating the subreddit a bit more fluent.

The No Swearing rule has been removed. Casual swearing is now allowed. Swearing that falls under the "No being OVERLY rude, mean, antagonistic" rule will still be removed. Slurs will also still be removed. What this means is you can now say comments like "This plant is a bitch to remove", "I fucking love this plant." etc.

The Guidelines have been updated to remove the no swearing rule, and the following rules have been added to the guidelines for more clarity:

  1. No political arguments/debates. Political comments that devolve into arguments or debates will be removed.

  2. No being OVERLY rude, mean or antagonistic. Comments which are OVERLY rude, mean or antagonistic in spirit will be removed.

To further clarify on the rules:

4 - Where-as previously all political comments were removed, we're now only going to step in when political comments devolve into arguments and debates. As before, remember this is a Plant ID subreddit and not the place for politics. If you see political comments you disagree with, downvote, ignore and move on.

5 - Stressing the "OVERLY" part of the rule. If you read something, take it out of context and get your feelings hurt, that's on you. If someone makes a good-spirited joke and you take it literally, that's on you. However if someone is specifically targeting users, groups of people or being mean-spirited their comments will be removed. Mods have the final say on whether a reported comment gets removed and will use their best judgment.

Temporary/permanent bans will be handed out for repeat offenders and based on the severity of a violation.

Questions and comments are welcome below as always.

Pinnedby OrichalconModeratorPerth, West Australia
NOTICE regarding report-spamming

One or more individuals have been report spamming recently.

Report spamming is when a user reports several comments or threads for no good reason.

In this case, people are mass-reporting hundreds of comments in threads that they simply don't agree with. Whether it's because they're overly sensitive individuals or they just plainly disagree with what is being said in general.

Reporting is anonymous, so people tend to think that they can't get in trouble for this. But as mods we do have the ability to on-report report spam to the Admin, who can then take action against the person report spamming.

Please continue to report rule violations. But report spamming WILL be on-reported to the Admin, and you may end up having your account locked as a result.

Consider this your one and only warning.

Pinnedby OrichalconModeratorPerth, West Australia