What exactly do you think he thinks it means?

in a former life...

Man CE catching strays....

For what it's worth, if your smoker produces good quantities smoke at 195 (assuming you're using a pellet grill) you can essentially "cold smoke" your meat for like an hour at that temp. The smoke is most readily absorbed into the meat at cooler temperatures. After that first hour or so, you can put it to 225-250 (at least, this is what I do typically.)

I'm no expert smoker, but smoking at 195 will take a long time to get to 167-170 internal. When your meat gets closer to the temperature of your smoker in accordance with Newton's Law of Cooling: "the rate of heat loss of a body is proportional to the difference in temperatures between the body and its surroundings".

Why, why is this necessary? Is it not possible to tell a good story about 4 mutant turtles without whatever it is they are going to add that makes it rated R?


1st book: 9/10

2nd book: 7/10

3rd book: 4/10

Edit: In the moment, a 4 is probably a bit low. In retrospect, it's more like a 6, maybe a 6.5. and the 2nd book is probably more like a 7.5. At least for the 3rd book, I have no desire to go back and "relive" any parts of it, but I did not find it totally unenjoyable.

Contact Sonicwall support... I was having a very similar issue and was given a hotfix patch. I'm not sure if it's public yet.

I honestly don't care-- we homeschool (except for my oldest daughter, as mentioned, but for extenuating reasons) but the point was just that you said "find me" so we found something in less than 5 minutes that probably met the criteria. With more investment in the idea, for a group of families (or a teacher that was serious about following up on this idea) I'm sure that suitable accommodations could be found without too much hassle.

The toughest part would probably be regulators approving the space though because bureaucrats like being bureaucrats.

My 14 year old daughter LITERALLY does all this in one space. Granted, it's not "in the city" so they can go outside when its nice, but they all have room to learn, spread out, etc.


This wasn't terribly difficult to find... it's in a "good" part of town, near this city's largest employer, and depending on how many spaces they can divide into, I think an approximately ~3000 sq ft area for $30k a year would be PLENTY of room for 10-15 people.

You don't need "multiple rooms" for 10 students. You'll need a bigger space than a broom closet, sure, but all the other things you mentioned aren't necessary for meaningful education to happen.

It's why many homeschooled children can actually get "school" done in 3-4 hours a day, easily, and in many cases, much less while still learning as much if not more than their schooled counterparts.

Restic looks like it's a backup utility, whereas snapraid is more along the lines of ... well ... RAID. RAID is not a backup.

:iowastate: Iowa State Cyclones

Well considering that you stole Coach K from Iowa State I'm ok with keeping him.

whatever you do, don't do a post with one of these before the match:

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ C9 take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

because if they lose people will for some reason attack you and your posts. Ask me how I know.

:iowastate: Iowa State Cyclones

Houston was also criticized for their "weak" noncon immediately after their first loss of the season to... Iowa State.

Really though, there is nobody on Houston's non-con that stands out as good, although TAMU was considered decent early in the season.

c9 SMITE 4ever

C9 went 4-0 the games I didn't watch live, and 0-4 the games I didn't watch live...what the fuck is this.

So... You've watched no games live?

:iowastate: Iowa State Cyclones

QF ISU has nothing to do with it

This is almost certainly a picture of Trump visiting a fraternity house at Iowa State University in Ames during the caucus season there a couple weeks ago. I can't tell which fraternity from this picture, but it looks like it could an ag fraternityh, possibly AGR or FarmHouse, judging by some of the clothes of the kids. (Or not, and I'm just making a wild assumption based on the clothing of a couple of the kids, who could certainly just be wearing the same types of clothing.)


Did you realize that the leaders (monarchies) of all the major players on both sides in WWI were related?


You honestly have no idea what you are talking about. Plenty of people, including myself, would probably buy the founders pack regardless of whether the additional 50% was an additional incentive or not, or even if they made NO offer to transfer ANYTHING from Smite 1. In fact, for somebody like me, who has likely spent nearly $1000 over the past 10 years, I will not likely ever even spend the $500 from the original 50%.

They are a business, they are making a completely separate (free) game, and they need a way to monetize it. Nobody is forcing anybody to spend a penny to play their game, and nobody NEEDS those skins to play.


Incentive? The incentive to spend more money is quality content. I don't plan on buying skins just because I have "legacy gems" to spend. I plan on spending money on Smite 2 only if there is something that I want... and now it'll cost 50% less.

I honestly don't understand how anybody feels like this is a slap in the face...