I don't get why he didn't take the car to the mechanic? Partners do this. With my last gf, I used to take things for repairs, she used to remember bills. I needed lights on too because of something that happened in childhood. She understood, but I got a smaller night light. Relationships work when you work on them He clearly didn't want to work on them, and demanded things to happen.

I may miss birthday parties and celebrations, but I never miss a funeral. I don't want to leave people alone in the hour of need. I go, i help with arrangements. I stay with the person. Make sure to pay my respects to the deceased and condolences to the family.

Should have said " Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency for me "

I would take Ventilated Seats over a sunroof any day. With temperatures going as high as 49Β°c even with the AC in full, the back gets sweaty. I don't want to enter my office or an event with a sweat patch.

Why do you want yourself to be in such a situation, why do you want to go through so much pain trauma and humiliation. Leave. If you think she will ever stop, she won't. And even if she does stop sometimes in the future, do you want to put yourself through so much hurt till she does. Please leave.

To avoid inconvenience to the public we will cause inconvenience to the general public. It's not a public event or conference It is a private event.

One word " Run " She is using feminism as pay to justify inappropriate behaviour. Whatever she is doing isn't feminism, and you being uncomfortable with her actions is not patriarchy. She is gasligting you into believing that you are controlling but you are not. Don't try to change it, it won't. You will get hurt if you stay Please exit now.

Companies like Zomato and Swiggy get big investments, their owners/ceos by expensive 100cr, 200cr properties, they buy cars worth the savings of 20 households. But can't pay their contractors properly. They lack toilets at their facility, they give Zomato branded helmets as bonuses, many centres lack drinking water. And I am supposed to pay the tip. Pay your employees better. Show them as employees and not contractors to provide them with employee benefits first. And anyone defending tipping. You got the whole thing wrong. We are supposed to take from the rich and give it to the poor, Not take from the poor and give it another poor. We are supposed to fight exploitation not get exploited.

" But I don't have any money to pay for the pizza "

My understanding is that Nehru's socialist and state control policies saved India. During the British Raj many big pvt houses flourished. They bribed the British and gave kickbacks and established their control over many natural resources and imp businesses. Many of those businesses are still in Operation. Post Independence, had Nehru not adopted socialist policies and let the free market structure exist, India would have been in control of few business houses, the wealth of India would have been accumulated in the hands of few and the rest suffer. Many give examples of south korea, that adopt a free market policy and look at its development levels, south korea is literally in the hands of a few big family conglomerates who are more powerful than the government. Though it is true closed market policies outlives their usefulness and India could have been liberalised 10-20years sooner, but as many pointed out it was being done but at a slower pace. There is no evidence or written records of Nepal wanting to join India. It was a rumour, a chain of thought at its best. But Nepal did want a close military alliance with India, which did happen.

One thing I personally feel is that Nehru had a very big task at his hand. Britishers left India poor, stripped of all its wealth, many wealthy skilled Indians left with the British taking the wealth they collected over the years, many skilled professionals left too. He had an army which had Indian generals who flourished under the British. Nehru had a country which was hungry, and was fragmented. Had it not been for him, and people like Sardar Patel India would have been like the balkan countries.

Are you lorenzo von matterhorn ?

God forbid the crowd goes out of control, try getting on top of something tall, put a bag in front of you so that there is space between you and other people so you can breathe. Stay Safe I hope the Mumbai Police are able to manage the crowd.

Doesn't matter. Pussy is Pussy, it must be eaten.

More like " Jahan panah tussi great ho, tofa kabul karo "

Builders forced sellers to reduce the price of their land siting silt+3 rule, while they increased the cost of the floors for buyers. Now they will again increase the price as sellers would now demand more. Also no new inventory will come till January next year. Only the existing ones and the ones about to be completed are available at increased price

Ghost Rider - Scared of Ghosts and falling of a bike.

Honestly I just want somebody to watch a movie and cuddle with, and then fall asleep.

Six Months before marriage, after 10 years together, helping her financially, She told me she has been cheating on me for 3 months with an office co-worker. This happened 6 years ago, and still haunts me.

Infidelity can scar you, it can mess up how you perceive relationship and destroy your trust. I know because I have been cheated on by my ex with her co-worker. I used to think like your boyfriend. I sympathize with your boyfriend, but his past trauma is not a reason for him to pass that trauma to others. He needs therapy. And therapy takes time. I got cheated on 6 years back and I am still in therapy. I haven't dated in six years because I don't want to traumatise anyone else. You should not go through what he is putting you through. You love him, you care for him, but distance yourself from him. Talk to him, explain it to him he needs therapy. Help him get therapy as a friend, but then move away.