very often, but most of the time from the nausea. a few years ago i had a cyclic vomiting-like thing going on, every 3 months exact id wake up at 4am with a migraine and throw up every hour until it decided to stop. the longest it ever went on was about 20 times in a 24 hour period 🥲 the only thing that really helps my nausea is ginger, i get these candies from amazon, i think the brand is tummy drops, they have a bunch of different flavors. its not 100% of course but ill take any relief i can get. they have higher intensity ones that have that hurting feeling, and those kind of help distract from the pain as a bonus lol

Eye Bump

• Species: cat • Age: 9 years • Sex/Neuter status: F spayed • Breed: DSH • Body weight: ~12lbs • History: none • Clinical signs: white bump on eye • Duration: 5 years • Your general location: New Jersey US • Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. n/a


hi, my cat abigail has had this white bump on the corner of her eye for nearly 5 years. as the photos in the link show, it gradually got bigger over time though very slowly so we didnt wuite realise it/ got used to it. my brother recently suggested it could be a tick as he saw in another post, but with the duration im not sure. i did want to ask if theres any idea what it could be. she recently went to the vet to get her nails clipped, and he didnt express any concern though he said hes never seen anything like it.

thank you!!

wanted to add in i am currently being investigated for ehlers danlos, which causes loose joints and i noticed its alot worse right before my period and after i googled it lol i found some sources say that progesterone has an loosening effect (or affect idfk) on collagen and therefore joint laxity. im assuming this is true even for non hypermobile people as well!!

Customer Service Associate

fancy meeting you here

Customer Service Associate

adding to this that theyre not free when not scheduled, just 15 minutes before and after youre scheduled. im sure some managers are fine w it but we had a whole thing a year or two ago bc two associates got icees off the clock and all but got fired for it 😭 they only got off the hook bc they were two of our best employees but if they werent they wouldve been fired

ekg results

22 AFAB, 5'1 about 124 lbs

relevant medications: strattera, seroquel and amlodipine (for raynauds)

was referred to a cardiologist for tachycardia, daily sob and monthly episodes of chest pain. they did an ekg as part of preparation for the visit, the tech only mentioned there being tachycardia lol. when the results came in through the patient portal it had other findings listed but i cant find anything online about the significance.

the formatting of the ekg is a little weird bc of the pdf editor i had to use for personal info. im not worried about it i am just very curious as to what it means! thank you.


Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional

my dr just uploaded a scan of the ekg itself, here it is: ekg 

Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional

i see unfortunately he only showed me it briefly so i dont have it to share :/ thank you anyways!

Customer Service Associate

considering what ive seen trainees do sometimes i think they may even be lacking

possible reason my cat got a chest xray?

species: cat

age: 17 years

sex/neuter: intact female

breed: dsh

weight: 6.6lbs

general location: nj

history: semi recurrent ear infections due to birth circumstances. about 1 month ago she suddenly started limping (back left leg), brought her to emergency vet they kept her overnight and prescribed meds (onsior, gabapentin and something else i dont remember but it was liquid) and crate rest for 2 weeks without a conclusive diagnosis after xrays. at first they were considering a blood clot (saddle thrombosis(thrombus?)) but ruled it out after consistent blood tests. one week later i brought her to her usual vet, he suggested it could be a tendon issue (achilles), as he had recently had a cat who had that and presented similarly. he told me to being her back in two weeks to check on the leg, which brings us to last week, she was still limping but compared to the beginning VERY much improved. her progress had kind of stagnated and i was concerned the way she was limping could mess up her hips (she would dip her left leg down completely, hard to explain). he said we could do an xray to see whats going on, and if nothing stands out as a problem he could put a splint to help her out.

and to today; i brought her in this morning for the xray and when i came to pick her up this evening, the vet told me that they did the leg xray, sent it to the radiologist, who then suggested they do a chest xray as well. since it was later in the day they have to wait for tomorrow for the interpretation. i couldnt come to pick her up until about 10 minutes before the vet closed, so he both didn’t have an answer and didn’t have much time to explain everything. my question is, what could be seen in a leg xray that would prompt a chest xray? i tried looking it up but the wording is difficult to get a relevant answer. all i can think is the initial blood clot suspicion and it’s really worrying me, despite it having been ruled out. shes otherwise very energetic for a geriatric cat and is acting her usual self. thank you!!

cat tax


Ive had this plant for less than a day, and therefore havent begun to set up its area in my room, nor have i watered it yet. in the store it was included on a big metal moveable rack with other plants, in indirect sunlight, though probably had been moved around quite a bit.


i saw on another reply you said you’re starting at 5mg, it could be bc of the dosage you’re starting on. my psych had me start at 2mg (i don’t take it anymore but) i don’t remember having any deterring side effects at first. the first few nights i took it i woke up the next day with so much energy and ready to face the day lmfao. so maybe ask your psych about starting at 2mg instead, or if you should take it with/ without food, at another time, etc. best of luck my friend!!


as everyone else said derealization/depersonalization lol. you’re definitely not alone and there are a few different options for treatment (though on the meds side no specific ones for dpdr, but some can help (mostly anxiety meds +my psych had me try lamictal for it, which helped but i couldn’t stay with it for too long due to a reaction)). it’s mostly anxiety or trauma based though it can also be caused/ worsened by drugs. i’ve had it generally for about 6 years and constantly/ everyday for about 7 months– i mainly experienced derealization but recently notice more depersonalization too. there are good and bad days and if it lasts a while you can figure out what things make it worse and better. for example, certain weather makes it worse for me (usually bright clear blue skies or very cloudy) bc the sky looks fake and flat lol, but talking to other people helps me feel more real. one of the biggest tips people say is to not overthink about ignoring it, just let it sit with you during your day. the usual anxiety grounding tips help for some people but they might not for you (they don’t help me personally). sorry for the long winded response lol but tldr it sucks but you’re most definitely not alone in your experiences! <3

Bipolar NOS

got a notification for this post as i was picking at a scratch on my hand lol


i also happen to have a slight sneaking suspicion that perhaps you may or may not in fact (slim chance) have these feelings. just a thought <3

yes i’m definitely going to go to both lol. i think GI first and if everything digestively is fine i might ask him about the possibility of endo causing the problem. also glad you mentioned diaphragm endo bc if it’s not gallbladder/ digestive related i suspect thats the most likely. thank you for your help !!

i dont think its triggered by what i eat but i often forget what ive ate in a day lol so im not 100% sure. it did start the day after thanksgiving (i ate a l o t) but its been constant since then so im not sure if it was really because of the food. i was thinking it was either gallbladder or diaphragm endo bc both have pain in the shoulder too. ill def go to the gi doc and ask for a HIDA though! thank you so much :)

ADHD-C (Combined type)

filling out questionnaires, untangling jewelry, organizing files or papers irl or on a computer are all so satisfying to me

could ruq pain be endo?Question

hello, im 20/f and have had pain in my upper right abdomen for a little over a month now. my pcp diagnosed me w a uti (gave me antibiotics) and had me get an ultrasound to make sure my gallbladder and what not are fine (they are), and kind of dropped it and told me to see a gastroenterologist if i still have pain.

i've suspected i have endo for a few months bc my period has been getting worse and im starting to experience different and worsening pms symptoms than i usually do. recently the abdominal pain has reached up to my right shoulder (which i thought would be my gallbladder but it's not) and i'm starting to have shortness of breath.

i dont currently have an ob/gyn i go to but i wanted opinions on if i should follow my gut and find one or just go to the gastro like my doctor suggested. im only worried that my parents will think im overreacting about it possibly being endo.

thank you :]
