hello, im 20/f and have had pain in my upper right abdomen for a little over a month now. my pcp diagnosed me w a uti (gave me antibiotics) and had me get an ultrasound to make sure my gallbladder and what not are fine (they are), and kind of dropped it and told me to see a gastroenterologist if i still have pain.

i've suspected i have endo for a few months bc my period has been getting worse and im starting to experience different and worsening pms symptoms than i usually do. recently the abdominal pain has reached up to my right shoulder (which i thought would be my gallbladder but it's not) and i'm starting to have shortness of breath.

i dont currently have an ob/gyn i go to but i wanted opinions on if i should follow my gut and find one or just go to the gastro like my doctor suggested. im only worried that my parents will think im overreacting about it possibly being endo.

thank you :]