
Whenever Lando is good for half a race he starts acting like a bitch.

He wasn't just posting GIF's. He streamed for many many hours talking about the stock and how the hedge funds over-extended (or whatever the proper term is in this case) themselves.

He definitely hyped up the stock. You need to dissect a whole lot of things he said to see if it's all completely accurate. But I don't think he ever dumped so it's all kinda moot. As long as he held onto the stock then they can't charge him.

An AIO is a good compromise here.

The build would likely be better with air cooling but price/benefit on a AIO isn't bad and he can say it's water cooled.


Future WDC Lance Stroll?

No question he's at best the 8th best driver on the grid. The car isn't good enough to make up for that fact right now.

Being behind a Haas was pretty bad but he did have a lot of damage, so who knows.

Did Lando leave max a car width last weekend?

Lando said that was plenty of room. Max left Lando more room than Lando left him last week.

Lando's racing today was also sloppy, lots of divebombs. The incident was Max's fault but they could just have easily touched during one of Lando's divebombs.


It is pretty easy. Just maybe watch a 30 second YouTube video first so you understand what you're doing.

Cheese and crackers and basically the same thing nutritionally as a ham and cheese sandwich.

The kraft version has far too much salt and sugar for no good reason. Nothing wrong with cheese and crackers in general though. Just incomplete on its own same as a ham and cheese sandwich.


"Although some people might picture a heart-shaped organ beating inside a fetus, this is not the case.

Rather, at six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect "a little flutter in the area that will become the future heart of the baby," said Dr. Saima Aftab, medical director of the Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. This flutter happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals, she said. But the heart is far from fully formed at this stage, and the "beat" isn't audible; if doctors put a stethoscope up to a woman's belly this early on in her pregnancy, they would not hear a heartbeat."



Ummm, the heartbeat thing is kinda made up though. A 6 week old fetus doesn't have a heart.

Edit: For the forced birthers, an electrical signal to an area that will eventually be a heart isn't a heartbeat. There's no heart, there's nothing being pumped, there's no muscle contracting, it doesn't make a sound. See my comment below.

I'm having a hard time imagining having trouble with the wood framing of a 30 year old house.

You can have shoddy construction and cheap materials with a stone house. Don't think the wood has anything to do with that.

I agree it's not really your problem and it definitely is a problem.

I'm arguing that it's not the gig workers fault. Just a pain point with the app and the whole system that Uber set out.

These venture capitalists create these services. They make them very cheap and convenient to try to get people hooked on their service while they burn through all their cash. The service is made artificially better using venture capital. And once they pushed the competition out then they start monetizing it. Workers get paid less, so they ask for tips or reject jobs. The customer gets charged more. The whole thing becomes more expensive and less convenient.

I think hotels and cabs are going to make a comeback because Airbnb and Uber aren't nearly as good as they used to be. Uber and Airbnb have their place but aren't always the right option.

You should be showing them the venue well in advance.

The Uber app may give you a false sense that you're going to get a car soon but you need to realize the driver hasn't accepted the fair until you get into the car. It's on you to plan in advance or make other arrangements because that's the deal with Uber.

If a driver is driving poorly and being off-putting then sure, report them. But whether or not they accept the job is up to them.

The analogy is more you approach a band to see if they want to play your wedding. They say they are interested but once they see the venue they realize it's more work than they thought for the same money and they decide not to take the job. They're allowed to refuse, they pick which gigs they want to do.

It seems very likely he did bring in Visa and Visa is a massive sponsor. Around 35 million.

He is getting a different gig. Driving someone else.

That's the tradeoff with gig workers. They don't get a lot of employment protections but they do get to set the terms they will accept.

If you want a cab then call a cab. If you're going to use Uber then you have to deal with the nature of gig workers.

It's the gig economy man. They aren't employees. You're asking a random person if he wants to drive you somewhere for x dollars. He can say no.

Not as many dresses and skirts though. So it doesn't end up on the floor.

You guys are getting apologies?

He draws the line at the shower.

He wants the government in people's bedrooms and public bathrooms. But not a person's shower. Never the shower.

Most of those water restriction devices are just pieces of plastic right towards the entrance of the shower head.

A drill bit and a couple minutes gives you full pressure.

Two small women could do this easily. Hot water tanks aren't that heavy when they are empty.

Dude said it was over engineered and someone asked for an alternative. The alternative is what 90% of people are already doing. Using a regular dolly.

Two small women could do this easily. Hot water tanks aren't that heavy when they are empty.

Dude said it was over engineered and someone asked for an alternative. The alternative is what 90% of people are already doing. Using a regular dolly.