Sorry mate, but muting toxic people is a must and I'd probably mute you. Some games are about finding the win condotion and that is either I take over as carry and solo win the game but this requires muting people. Also if win condition is be 3rd support then I do that.

I eat whatever I want! A1c is 5.2 just a game of skill to figure it out.

My comments here from an immortal coach are. You gotta carry and farm harder than the other team and your own team that's it, you will win more games and mute your team mates they will flame you for farming play carry offlaners. But just know when your better off playing as an aura/initiation when your 1 and 2 are better. Legit best advice I was told i went from legend to divine from this alone.

This could happen without hacks, it's sus af but still not anything crazy bs.

I've jammed pre the last 5 times in caah games with kings and lost to queens and jacks everytime.....

Don't worry I've lost my last all in preflop with kings 5 times in a row vs jacks and queens.

Well done good sir but have a spotter, don't be an idiot.

What is everyone's thoughts on what breaking through is?

Long thin planter boxes with some small trees

If you want any help or have questions, I am t1 and I am 5.4 a1c. 97% in range with a tslim.

Come to aus you'll be almost be a multi millionaire in AUD!

This is called gestational diabetes it's very common

Went to hospital after I broke my knee. Came out with diabetes after surgery.

This is optical illusion of a ship

Hey mate, t1 and health anxiety/depression are very closely linked.

I have been suffering the same thing diagnosed 4 years ago at 30.

I will tell you what I did and what helped me.

After having several panic attacks and then major depressive episodes. First ensured my sugers were managed with a dexcom sensor and tandem pump. Then I saw a psychologist for 3 to 5 sessions and felt talking through it was definitely very helpful.

Second thing is I got my physical and mental health in check. I worked on my anxiety triggers with meditation, daily cold therapy, working out and made sure I had my daily multi vitamins in my diet and drank some ag1. Everyday and still do to this day. All of these things have a huge scientific backing now days so there are scientific evidence based protocols you can follow.

I do not suffer depressive or anxiety attacks any more.

Put a little filter in between and you got some even better water to the machine as it looks like this one doesn't have a filter.

There's alot they are providing to their kids. Lesson is don't have em.

It actually makes sense to get one even without the rebate in most cases now since the batteries are quite affordable and energy prices are still sky rocketing.

Feel free to reach out to us we actually have Residential home batteries and our head office is here in Brisbane.