Looking good, I just finished vanishing mine this past week. Going to get it in the water this coming weekend for the 1st time after 2 years of on and off again working on it!

Yak https://imgur.com/a/nEH5xoA 

Left person was the large individual, right was a second woman in the aisle seat whom I was forced to lean against due to being pushed over and eventually spilled a drink on. I apologize for the confusion but I didn't want to keep using "large" to describe the woman to my left. I didn't intend for the story to be so long g but as I began writing I was obviously still triggered because it came out a word vomit.

Hello u/LopsidedAstronomer76, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your side and am truly sorry to hear about similar experiences you’ve had. As described in my original post, I made an effort to handle the situation with sensitivity and to not place any blame on my seatmate. I recognize the challenges and stress that come with traveling, especially when the seating arrangements are less than accommodating. My intention was to manage my own discomfort quietly without exacerbating any emotional discomfort for others. I strive to be considerate and empathetic in such situations, acknowledging that it’s tough for everyone involved. Thank you again for your understanding and for opening up this discussion.

Hello u/Guru1971, apologies for such a late reply to you but the plans can be found at the Chesapeake Light Craft website linked below. You can purchase the full range from plans only up to the full kit with everything included. I've even spoken to them a few times as I've had some questions. They've been very helpful


Flight Complaint w/ Very Large SeatmateCOMPLAINT

Last week I had a flight from Juneau to Anchorage for work. My company purchased me a seat in the main cabin, and because of my Gold Status, I moved my seat to a premium middle seat, 9E (I was already in a middle seat in the main cabin due to the flight being full). As I boarded the plane and approached my seat, I saw a woman in the window seat, 9F, who was very large, had our adjoining armrest up, and was overhanging into my seat by a good third of the way.

Before continuing, I'd like to preemptively stop anyone from bashing me about size shaming or being rude. I very seldom complain and I genuinely feel for people who may be self-conscious. I very often give up my window or aisle seat to the elderly or couples who are in the wrong seat.

Continuing on... I did not make anyone feel uncomfortable or embarrass anyone. I simply slid my backpack under the seat in front and sulked into my seat. To fit, I was physically touching and pushing into this person along the full left side of me. I felt their body heat. My left arm could not come down and casually rest because it would be on their stomach. Instead, I was forced to extend my left arm out onto the headrest in front of me for the duration of the flight. I did not request to be moved, I did not complain, it was futile as there were no empty seats and I didn't need to draw any more attention to someone who must obviously feel bad about the situation. I sucked it up, put on my best face, and focused on whatever I'd downloaded on my phone for the flight.

I'm sitting "T-Rex armed" for the duration of the flight and pushed into my right seatmate as well. Drink services came by and the flight attendant mouthed to me, "I'm sorry," as he could obviously see my physical discomfort. I got a drink and awkwardly put down my tray, which required some shifting of my left seatmate to rest it down. Due to my uncomfortable position, my hand slapped my drink over into my right seatmate. I apologized, and she was obviously very understanding of the situation we were both in. We landed in Anchorage, and I still said nothing as I ultimately didn't want to embarrass anyone directly, but internally I was fuming at this point.

There was no employee at customer service within airport security. I went outside and waited at ticketing in the premium line. I spoke to an agent, explaining my flight situation, and although she was very apologetic, there was nothing she could do except give me the customer service number. I later called them and was on hold for over 30 minutes. Finally, I spoke to a representative and explained my situation. She told me that people of that size are supposed to purchase 2 seats and that an agent is supposed to interject if they see them boarding a plane with only one seat. Obviously, that didn't happen. She apologized, and the offer made to me was a $50 compensation. I was pretty upset as that seemed very low for what was forced physical contact in a premium seat. Yes, I was upgraded, but I'd be even more upset if I had paid for that upgrade. In the end, she said all she could give me was 3,500 miles, which still rubs me the wrong way since I'm still venting about this.

I’m not sure my post has a point other than I was extremely displeased with my flight experience. I don’t blame the seatmate; I blame Alaska Air for not fully rectifying it or helping to make me feel like they were genuinely apologetic for their shortcomings in preventing the situation from happening. The $50 or 3,500 miles feels like a slap in the face. Thoughts? What monetary or mile reimbursement would feel appropriate to you? How would you have handled it? As I've spoken to some of my friends, they’ve said I was too nice and should have said something on the spot. However, I disagree and would feel worse by humiliating someone then still having to sit next to them awkwardly.

/end rant

I'd like to know the validity of this survey because it has "jazz studies" ranked 47 and "paper science" ranked 56. I call BS.

Hello! I have a full-time opportunity with the Alaska DOT Bridge Section I’d like to let me and recent grad about.  We have an ability to hold positions for up to 9 months after the closing position advertisement date so Summer or Fall graduates have the ability to apply as well.  A summary and link to the position advertisement is below:

Position Highlights: This role in Juneau provides comprehensive experience in bridge design, involving hands-on applications of AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications, AASHTO Seismic Guide Specifications and the Manual for Bridge Evaluation. Entry level engineers play a pivotal role in designing, retrofitting, and maintaining Alaska’s bridge infrastructure, with opportunities to lead teams on routine and fracture-critical bridge inspection trips during summer months. This position is designed to nurture early career bridge engineers, guiding them towards becoming professional engineers and leaders within the bridge engineering industry.

Professional Development and Passion for Research: Our team, from the Chief Bridge Engineer to engineering assistants, actively engages in national bridge conferences and serves as advisors to bridge-specific research. We encourage and support staff in volunteering with NCHRP panels, collaborating with bridge leaders nationwide, and contributing to advancements in the field. This dynamic environment will benefit new graduates and engineering assistants who share a passion for research and aspire to contribute to the continuous improvement of bridge design.

Natural Beauty and Lifestyle: Beyond professional growth, participants can immerse themselves in the natural beauty of Juneau, with opportunities for world-class hiking, boating, kayaking, and whale watching. For the outdoor sports enthusiast, they would have the unique opportunity to fish and hunt across the wild landscape Alaska offers.  We are a unique state where you can watch sunsets by a fire on the beach at midnight during the summers or catch the dancing northern lights in the winters.

Some Position/Alaska DOT Perks:

· 37.5 hour work week (5 – 7.5 hour days, regular hours 8:00am - 4:30pm)

· 5% Salary match from State of Alaska for retirement https://drb.alaska.gov/employee/dcrplan.html

·  6.13% Salary match from State of Alaska in a supplemental retirement account in lieu of paying into social security https://drb.alaska.gov/employee/sbsplan.html

·  5% salary raise scheduled for 7/1/24

·  11 paid State Holidays annually

·  Leave accrual rates starts at 21 vacations days/year and increases from there at years 2, 5, 10, & 15

·  Well compensated structured salary schedule based on years of service.

·  Advancement to higher positions based on established criteria.

If you have any questions or are interested in this opportunity, feel free to contact me directly.

Thank you all in advance!

Engineering Assistant Job Posting: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/alaska/jobs/4334967/engineering-assistant-1-2-3-pcn-250214

Images of AK DOT&PF Bridge Engineers in Action:






Thank you for this data! As a senior squad lead engineer for a State DOT we've had difficulty recruiting new graduates. There's perception that either DOT's do not pay enough or the work is not satisfactory. I can attest we're one of the more functional DOT's producing 90% of designs in house but now I have data that shows we're also above the average on base salary too! Taking that into account with our 11 holidays and 20 days vacation will be an excellent tool for marketing our Section to Universities and career fairs. I really appreciate the raw data you've provided for me to use. Thank you!

My graphic with structured salary schedule vs. salary survey: https://imgur.com/a/4oRWcWB 

These are simply aftershocks of the larger earlier 7.3 earthquake a few days ago. The number of earthquakes and magnitude will decay over time. In fact the quantity is inversely proportional to time. See the link below giving more detail from the USGS.


Moving slow is intentional. Heavy loads or permitted loads often require a speed reduction to 5MPH. This eliminates "impact" to the bridge. Think of it as the bump you feel when you drive at regular speed and hit the beginning/end of the bridge. This bounces the vehicle cause more load on the bridge.

Intense 9 Grizzly Bear Fightanimal
Moderator removed post

I'm a bridge engineer in Alaska. There are multiple bridges like this on the Seward highway along Turnagaim Arm just south of Anchoarge that we were catastrophically destroyed like this during the 1964 quake. They were quickly repla ex with bridged that were acceptable at the time but didn't meet modern design codes. This whole stretch of is currently being upgraded including all bridges. I've had the pleasure of designing/checking 5 of these new structures. That have either been built or being built right now. They're designed to modern bridge/seismic code and last longer than I'll be around. Really cool to leave my footprint on this beautiful Alaskan landscape.

20 Mile bridge 

Bridge Construction

I'm not crying, you're crying


It's fiberglassed on top and inside of the wood. No different than wood motor boats you see on the water. I'll also be applying 3 coats of varnish to protect the fiberglass. Believe it ot not,I don't care for the plywood look od the hull so I'll be painting the bottom cherry red. This will also help to locate me if I'm ever in distress and is upside down. SE Alaska is a scary place to need help, you want to leave little to chance when out in this ocean.

It's about 40 pounds with a 325 pound capacity. I'm about 200 so I have lots of room for stuff to store for multi-day trips.

Is about 40 pounds right now. No heavier than a composite fiberglass kayak. This model is supposed to have a 325 payload capacity so I can pack a lot in with myself.

I am definitely learning as I go. This is my first time making a boat so lots of youtube the night before a task. As a bonus, I now have no fear of making future repairs or modifications.

Thank you, after sorting all the strips and laying gluing out up I was nervous the colors wouldn't "pop" like I anticipated. Consider me shocked when it came out as planned!