Kylington was at best a 3rd line D-man before his leave. And now having played only 30 games in the past two seasons AND without Tanev, he is not any better than Bean.

He’s testing FA. Let him go; I don’t see him being overly successful without Tanev on his pairing. He wants term, no way anyone is giving him more than 2yrs considering he’s played only 1.1/2 months of pro hockey in the past 2 years.

Hogtown just signed him. And sadly, he ain’t winnin’ a Cup in Toronto.

Tanking is a losers mentality. Compete every night. I can’t believe fans (obviously not true fans) of teams actually want their team to fail. Put out an AHL lineup out there at the end of the season if you choose, see what you have in the system at the NHL, and compete. But never ever tank. 🤦‍♂️

I thought Adidas had a good design, TBH. I liked them.

At what point do we not retain some of these younger players (ie. Sharangovich) and build around/with them for 4-5 years? Recycling players just for the sake of draft picks seems like a never ending story with the same outcome. I know we’re in a rebuild but draft picks are just picks at this point; some pan out, some don’t. I dunno.

You nailed it right there. Thank you for the information.

Well with that little plug from Tkachuk, I think he deserves a standing O when the Panthers are in town next season. Hell, the whole Panthers team should after dowsing the Coilers and sent them packing in Game 7. Thank you FLA!

Exactly! And thanks for the plug, Chucky. I will give you a standing ovation next time the Panthers are in town.

Me too!! Thanks for the plug Chucky.



Couldn’t happen to a better fanbase and franchise. Fuuuuuuck, what a stressful game. Thank Christ FLA pulled it off.

Hell yes!! I was cheering for Carolina the whole series! As a die hard Flames fan, I cannot EVER cheer for the Coilers or the Canucks.